The Promise

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I was the first one in the dining room this time. It felt strange to be on time for things now when I had such little time left. Time was meaningless until you were running out of it. Now, I found myself unconsciously counting down, as if my internal clock knew what was coming as well.

A blonde Avox boy came by and served me my food. Some delicious meaty soup. I picked at it until the rest of my companions filed in. None of them looked particularly happy while I held a small smile on my face.

"Have a good mentoring?" I asked as Brant slumped in his chair.

"It was fine." He mumbled darkly. It looked like someone wasn't getting what they wanted. I bit back a smug grin but caught Peeta gazing at me, worried and frustrated. I glanced back down at my food and we ate in silence for a few moments before Brant sighed, giving up on his pity party and starting up conversation.

"They couldn't have kept us in a bleaker place to say our goodbyes, could they?" Brant joked mildly.

I shook my head, remembering the Justice Building in District 12. "Makes it more dramatic I suppose." I slurped on the soup in front of me.

"Who came and visited you?" He asked in such a casual voice that he might have just been asking about the weather.

I suddenly wasn't in the talking mood. Gale had come to visit me, Brant had to know that. But, I didn't exactly want to talk about it, especially not in front of Katniss.

"Madge came." I said shortly. Brant looked at me, expecting a little more. "She gave me a token to take into the arena." As soon as I uttered the words, I regretted them. I felt embarrassed to have the same token as Katniss. I didn't want anyone to get the idea that I was trying to copy her, to be her. I didn't want Peeta to infer that and he surely would see it as a pathetic stab at getting him back. But, it wasn't.

"Really?" Katniss smiled kindly, "She gave me mine as well. What's yours?"

I thought fast about what other tributes had brought into the arena. I didn't want to see her face when she found out my token was the sister of hers. She would laugh, most likely. And I wanted to be in the arena before they knew what my token was another mocking-jay pin. "A ribbon." I said lamely.

Madge was known for always wearing a ribbon in her hair. They couldn't dispute me, really. But, the look on Peeta's face told me that he could tell I was liar. He could always see right through me. That was one of the things I loved most about him. I could lie to the world through my teeth when all I wanted was to curl up and die and Peeta would know. He would know how much I was hurting and he would just hold me and promise things would get better. He was as big of a liar as I was.

"Madge came to see me as well." Brant smiled lightly, his eyes seemed distant. I looked at Brant strangely.

"Did she give you a ribbon, too?" I joked.

He shook his head, "Well, not exactly. She gave me a token, but not the kind you can wear."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Peeta questioned, looking at Brant suspiciously.

"She—she—" He seemed a bit embarrassed and sad at the same time, "She kissed me."

I began to choke on the hot liquid that was caught it my throat. "Madge kissed you?" I wheezed. I always knew she had a thing for Brant but never thought she'd act on it. I guess leaving for the Games is as good a time as any.

"Yeah," He breathed as if he was still unsure himself.

"Well, we'll have to make sure we get you back to your lover." I meant it as a joke but it caused the room to go deathly silent. Brant glared at me, furious at my comment.

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