The Capitol's Tribute

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The cold elevator began its decent to S3. I watched the red number on the top of the elevator flicker, numbers counting down as I neared my destination. Being underground always made me queasy. Ever since Jay's death I hadn't particularly enjoyed being below the earth.

S3 popped up with a faint ding and I practically ran from the death trap. Being in a larger area made it a bit easier to breath than a five by five cramped space with iffy ventilation. I took in a deep breath through my nose to calm myself down. As released it, a familiar voice beckoned me.

"Rixa Hart." I glanced up to see my prep team. A man named Flavius with orange corkscrew locks, clad with purple lipstick stood by with scissors in his hand. Two women, called Venia and Octavia, were standing by next to him. Venia had spiked blue hair, gold tattoos lining her brow and Octavia was a plump, young woman with her entire body dyed a light olive shade of green.

They smiled kindly at me, looking me over. A surprisingly satisfied look graced their faces. "Much better than last years." Flavius commented, circling me.

"I don't know what to do with her." Venia sighed contently.

Octavia crossed her arms, smiling, "I guess we should just call Cinna."

They seemed ecstatic by my clean and perfect Capitol appearance but a shade disappointed that they were out of a job this year.

"Damn." Flavius muttered, picking up the glittery touch pad phone.

"You're too pretty for your own good." Octavia joked, starting to pack up her things.

"It's a good thing for you." Venia reassured me as if I was offended by their compliments. "The sponsors will be piling it. Being the prettiest tribute has its advantages."

"Your Capitol status and connections won't hurt either." Octavia nodded.

"Thank you." I told them, used to being showered with compliments by clients. "You're too kind."

"I think we're raised Rixa's self esteem enough, don't you think?" A deep, friendly voice echoed as a pair of metal doors slid open. "We don't want her to get too cocky before she gets to the arena. Looks will only get someone so far."

I could always leave it to Cinna to bring me down to earth. "You sure know how to make a girl feel special." I muttered.

Cinna strode forward, a faint smile on his lips, but his eyes held sadness. He embraced me hand and gave it a squeeze.

"It's good to see you again, Rixa." He said honestly. "I just wish it was under different circumstances."

I nodded as he dismissed my prep team. They showered me with a few more compliments under Cinna's disapproving eye and disappeared behind the same door Cinna had come out of. I took a seat next to the prep chair as Cinna waited until the doors were firmly shut, letting us know we were alone.

It was quiet for a few moments as Cinna walked across the room, opening a white paneled closet to reveal an abundant supply of breath taking dresses. I stood up immediately and made my way to Cinna's expectant form. My hands reached out and touch the silk and expensive cloths. A gasp escaped my thin lips at the beauty of Cinna's creations.

"Do you like them?" He asked, his expression unreadable.

"I love them." I answered, pulling out a short, sparkling red one that had seduction written all over it. "These are amazing, Cinn."

A small smile graced his lips again, "I'm glad you think so highly of my work. I don't think I've ever felt so much pressure to dress you before."

I glanced at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

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