Chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

We ran outside and immediately looked around us. I saw the alley I came from a few hours before. "There, let's go there come on." Of course the guards came outside the club to follow us and it was also surrounded by several people from WICKED guarding the outside entrances of the club. But luckily the guards didn't recognise our escape immediately so we had the time to sneak away from the streets. We arrived in the alley next to the street and we hid behind a garbage container. "Okay... what's the plan...?" I said gasping for breath. We were both pretty exhausted due to the constant tension. "I don't know they will soon begin to search us and the others. What I know is that they are al heading towards the Right Arm to find help, but I have no idea which way." "I know Vince is also part of the Right Arm, so he is probably with them. But I think they won't leave us here in the city." "Oh yeah about Vince..." But Thomas couldn't finish his sentence. A helicopter was flying above us, searching us and the other fugitives. "Okay we have to go." I grabbed his arm and walked bent through the alley. After a few turns we didn't hear anything anymore. It was so quiet, like we were suddenly all alone in this doomed city. I looked at Thomas, it was confusing. But he didn't look at me and just walked further..

The alley ended up in one turn to the left. We looked behind the corner and we almost lost our hope of escaping. The buildings were so damaged that parts of the city were buried with glass and lots of fallen flats and houses. This was one of those places. The problem was: we couldn't go back. We would walk right into the arms of WICKED. "Okay we definitely can't go through here..." We walked back without saying anything, both too scared to be heard or anything like that. And yes, right when we turned for the second time to the right some guards were running straight to our way. Thomas grabbed my waist and pushed me back to the corner. "Okay maybe we should go back and try to get through it." "Yes I guess that's the only option we have..." We ran all the way back to the ruin. When we were closer Thomas crawled under the big pieces from different buildings. "Hey y/n! You should come here fast." I did the same and stood up next to Thomas. When we looked on our right, we saw an opening and a stairway that we guessed would probably lead to an opening in the next building. I looked at Thomas: "Well let's go." 

I walked in front of him upstairs while I searched for my small flashlight Vince gave me. You will never know when you need it. He told me a while ago. I turned on my flashlight to look around in the dark. It was pretty cold there and it would soon get dark. I heard myself walking on the harsh but unstable steps and Thomas following closely behind me. Upstairs there was a hall with open windows. The light of the sunset was just bright enough to see clearly. There wasn't much, except for a few chairs, a table and a couch the room was grey and empty. I looked into a few cupboards in the kitchen. They were all empty. "This whole city is just devastated because of The Flare..." I said. "Hey what do you actually know about this disease? Have you heard anything from Vince?" He asked curiously. "Yes I do know some things. I remember that some of us, the teenagers in the maze,  are immune against the Flare. WICKED wants to test us to save themselves and mankind. But not all of us are immune.." "Yes I heard that too, I guess we will find out?" He said. "But hopefully not ofcourse." I knew what he was thinking. He was scared, to either lose me to the disease or that he gets infected himself and becomes like one of those cranks. 

The door in the corner of the room bursted open. All of a sudden five cranks stumbled into the room. They looked absolutely terrible, blue veins were clearly visible, their clothes were torn apart, there was blood coming out of their mouths and their eyes seemed so, lifeless. "Y/N! Y/N!!! Come on we have to run!!" Thomas grabbed my arm. I was frozen but his touch made me move and I ran as fast as I could behind Thomas to another door in the hall. He opened it and there was another hall, smaller this time with several doors on the right side. "We must find the stairs to go down!" I shouted. I looked behind and I saw the cranks running after us, the idea of them catching me terrified me. As I looked behind me I couldn't keep my balance so I tripped and fell on the hard floor. "THOMAS!" He immediately turned around and ran towards me. Behind, the cranks came closer and closer. One of them grabbed my foot as I tried to get up, falling right on the floor again. Thomas took the gun he got from the guard and smashed it into the head of the crank. His head crushed and fell onto the ground. Thomas then immediately picked me up in bridal style and ran back. He kicked against the door and it opened immediately. Luckily, we found the stairs to go down. He put me down on my feet and I ran behind him down the stairs. Everything went very fast. As soon as we came out of the building on the other side of the ruin there was total darkness around us. 

I saw a schoolbus at the end of the street. It would be a great place to hide and sleep. Thomas saw it too and nodded my way. We ran towards te bus and looked inside. Fortunately there were no cranks, and no dead bodies. Just a few bus seats with torn leather. We walked all the way to the back of the bus and finally sat down on the ground so we couldn't be able to be seen from the outside. "We made it for now." I sighed and I yawned. "Yes we did... By the way are you hurt y/n?" His voice sounded concerned. I looked down my leg and I couldn't see any bad injuries just one little scratch. "No I am not! You came right on time." I smiled and leaned against his shoulder. He took my hands in his and squeezed them a little. I looked at his handsome face covered in sand and some sweat which only made him look more appealing to you. "Go and rest a bit." He whispered as he placed my head back on his left shoulder....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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