Chapter 17

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A/N: You know what irritates me? Writers who ask for 'x' number of votes/comments before they update. Seriously that makes me more inclined NOT to like a chapter. If I don't like how it's written, I'll probably not vote. On a side note though, if I'm reading several chapters, I may only like the last updated chapter, just because. So don't ever feel obligated to vote or comment on my book. I enjoy the interaction as I'm sure you all do to, that's all. Oh, listen to the song, you'll love what it does to your feels ;) 

You guys will be happy with two updates this week, it was only going to be one but I love you all so much :3 Enjoy!  


The hall was already full when they made their way into the room. Everyone was accounted for, even the Lady Jane. The table was loud and obnoxious, but it was most welcomed to Sigyn as her ride had been too silent for her and let her drown in her own thoughts. 

And yet, the talk at the table still sounded like silence. Her attention focused on Odin as he studied the group eating around him. Once in a while the old king would glance to Frigga’ s empty chair; it was evident how deeply he missed her.

But nobody seemed to miss Loki. How could the King not miss his own son? But then again, he was the one who had tortured his son for information and something told her it hadn’t been the first time. The thought that Frigga had been the only one to most likely halt the severity of Loki's torture made her stomach churn. Frigga’s death had given Odin a free pass to do with Loki what he wanted. He had to care about his son, right? But then again, it was much easier to blame someone the people feared than to blame yourself for a misfortune. The King was weak.   

The grip on her fork tightened while she stirred the food around her plate. Volstagg noticed, raising one of his bushy eyebrows at her in question.  He seemed to be the only one, other than Theoric who was always watching her. It was only when Jane noticed Volstagg’s unusually quiet demeanor that someone said something.

“Is something wrong Sigyn?” The Midgardian woman asked.

The entire table seemed to notice when Jane spoke up, even though Theoric and Volstagg and never let their eyes wander from her. She felt the heavy weight of every eye trained on her and the silence creating a thick cloud of tension in the dinning hall. 

“Speak your mind Lady Sigyn.” Thor stated. He had returned home not to long ago with Eir and Véar with the rest of the wounded warriors. 

Sigyn’s confidence vanished in a matter of seconds. She had thought of so many ways of how to phrase it, how to lash out at all of them and what she would say to the All-Father presented with the chance. Her tongue felt like lead in its finest our.

“Well, have you to say anything girl?” It was Odin’s turn to speak this time, arrogance rolling off of him even more though than his adopted son. Seriously, she could have sworn they were related if it were not for the whole frost giant thing.

“I… I demand for the fair treatment of your son.” Her voice finally finding the confidence it had been lacking.

The old man’s gaze fell upon Thor to his left, confusion spreading across his brow. He was obviously befuddled. But before he had a chance to respond, Sigyn’s tongue lashed out again; anger fueling her words. 

“I do not speak of Thor, I speak of the one that the Queen seemed to only care for. I speak of Loki, the son you have beaten and bruised for sport. So much so that he was near death not this very morning. I speak of Loki, one of your stolen relics you have locked away beneath your very feet.”

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