Chapter 4

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A/N: This chapter was one of my favorites to write, and is extremely pinacle in the entire story so pay attention! Um yeah, so hold on because the road only gets more bumpy from here! And don't worry about the lack of Loki. I promise it will come all in good time.

ALSO, the music on the side is semi important to the chapter. Usually the music gives you a peak at what's going on in some of the character's heads... interperet as you will ;) 


The next several days seemed to go by without anything happening, except a few new residents down the hallway. Theoric had been rumored to be off with Thor and his company in a battle on another realm. No more visits from him for a while would be all right with her; Loki seemed to become agitated every time the beautifully bodied warrior came into the room.

Lately, the Frost Giant had been reading on his bed, but she suspected there was something else going on within the walls of the prison. Not just once but twice had she seen some of the men that she had been transported with speaking with Loki. Loki's tone and words were very sharp and angry everytime they spoke. Something was indeed going on.

But Sigyn kept to herself, it was best not to know what is going on and to play dumb, especially when a glorified psychopath lived across from you. Only once or twice did they make eye contact, the prisoners in the cells next to him whispering against the wall, the ones to her right whispering to the others. But only would Loki perk up when a group was led out to relieve themselves twice during the day. That was the thing about Loki’s cell; there was a wall instead of the gold force field between him and the cell to his left. This meant he could only look down the hallway if he stood up and looked to his left. She bet it was because of his "oh so magnetic" personality.

It had been a week since she had bathed in Theoric’s chambers. It was strange to feel the grime on her again, but it was much more welcome than the blood and dirt that had clung to her earlier. Stretching out of her uncomfortable position upon her books, she noticed her tray with food had already arrived.

Sigyn’s hands quickly rearranged the books to make a sitting place and a table from her pillow that she had formed the night before. The tray sat neatly on top while she began to eat.  Her hands picked over the fruit while she looked around at the other prisoners.There was something about today that was different in the dank dungeons of Asgard than any other day she had spent in here. It had been almost two weeks since she first set foot in the dungeons of Asgard. Her heart longed for home, for comfort and, most importantly, peace, but there was none to be found when your cell dwelled next to Glundroða.

 Everyone in the Nine Realms knew of Glundroða. His name meant “chaos” and he held true to his name. Aside from Loki, he was the most feared of all the monsters that parents told their children about. He was the one that brought death and destruction wherever he went. It was even said that he was repsonsible for the war outbreak among the Nine Realms lately. Of course, it was all speculation and word of mouth when you lived in a village on the outskirts of the main city.

 He had never been captured before, until now. It wasn't that he had been rumored to be very smart and that he would never be caught. In fact, from what Sigyn saw, he appeared to be incredibly stupid. But still… something about him being so easily captured felt wrong.

The beast had been quiet up until late; he had spoken but a few times the prisoners that dwelled in his cell with him. The chatter had been active in the past few days, but today? All the prisoners sat by themselves away from each other. Today was not to be taken lightly; she decided to remain vigilant for the remainder of the day.

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