Chapter 2

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A/N: Another short chapter, I promise they will start to get longer as more of the story, it's characters, plot, etc. is developed. If you have any questions or thoughts, please comment below and come back next Wednesday for the next chapter! Video up on the side inspired this chapter! Interpret as you will or comment below ;) 


The morning came early for Sigyn. The clattering sound of a metal tray being half tossed and slid across the floor awoke her from her nightmares. More sweat had caused her torn dress to cling to her body, evidence that her nightmares were the cause of her feeling more exhausted. The grime made her want to peel her skin off to escape the unpleasant smell she was almost positive she was admitting.

The tray bore an apple, a wing of a cooked bird of some sort, a piece of bread and a glass filled with water. Looking around, the other cells were fighting over who got food. She was all too thankful for Thor putting her in a cell alone. Taking her tray in her lap, she began to eat the bird first, looking up once and a while to watch the guards that were walking down the center of the cells. Looking past the guards, she could see her black-haired neighbor sitting on his bed drinking whine and eating what appeared to be a full meal with a few types of meat and at least two more pieces of fruit. And again he was reading.

“Spoiled brat.” Sigyn huffed under her breath. She had no idea why he was here if he was going to be treated like royalty nor did she care to be honest. Continuing to eat her meal, she began to wonder what the rest of the day would hold, if there were anything else to do.

After the second evening meal, she had begun to see what life was like in here. You received three meals, the first one being your largest and your evening meal the smallest. You were provided nothing to entertain yourselves, so most of them sat around and talked or wrestled till the guards came to break them up. But for Sigyn? Nothing. Perhaps Thor had not done her a favor when he locked her away in a cell by herself.

 Her neighbor had plenty to entertain him. He would receive books with his meals and was, for the most part, quiet. He also had a cup or an object to toss in the air, but he seemed to prefer his books.

 But still, none of the guards lingered around his cell long. She didn’t blame them, everything about him screamed to stay away. His glimmering eyes, his crooked smile and his pointed nose, but you only saw this when he looked up and caught you staring, something she had been guilty all too much of.

He hardly looked up, only to see a new string of prisoners being led or if he felt as if someone was watching him, which Sigyn usually was. He was intriguing, it was as if he was a broken vase that someone had taken super glue to and hoped that it would still hold water as it had before. One touch would surely cause the vase to crumble.

It was the afternoon of her third day there that several people came into the dungeons. It was a few of the warriors from the first day. The big one, Volstagg she believed his name was, came into view and dragged one of the prisoners off through the main doors. The stranger looked to the Lady Sif, bringing up one side of his mouth in a smirk.

“What, nobody has summoned for me, or do you just like to check on me Sif?”

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