Chapter 9

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A/N: OH HEY. So, we got to meet the lovely, bubbly and slightly hyper Véar! Yes, she is of my own thoughts and creation. Though Heimdall has one sister (Norse Mythology calls Sif his sister, weird but okay) I decided to change that and create my own OC in the beautiful person of Véar as potrayed by Lupita Nyong'o! I hope to draw a photo (I can't draw but oh well?) to show her costume design! And have fun with the song... I threw it in last minute, and yes I picked the voice for a reason.. :'( 

A few things happen that are important to this story in this chapter, enjoy a bit more Loki my loves as he becomes more and more one of our main characters! 


Her hands shook as she took the trays of food through the doors that once held her prisoner. Theoric had to attend to some matters but said he would be back before he left with the rest of the company on their next mission. She would have to get used to doing this for lunch and dinner meals on her own sooner or later as Theoric could not always be there, so she thought it best to start it off alone and not get used to the company.

The trays were interesting; there were only two of them. Under the metal covering, there was some sort of magic that would multiple the trays of food slowly when opened with only enough food for each of the prisoners. So every time a guard reached towards the tray top and opened it, a smaller tray that contained the food was there. He would close it and the next would appear, all she had to do was stand there and walk with them as the guards went to each cell to delieve the food. 

Slowly, each of the prisoners had a meal except one, Loki. The mischievous god was doing nothing, just thumbing through one of his books as normal. As one of the guards removed the final tray, he started for the door when the man cloaked in green and gold put his hand up as if to dismiss him.

“No, I want her to bring it to me.”

He looked up in the same instant he pointed to Sigyn, a smirk played upon perfect lips. The guards hesitated, waiting for Sigyn to exchange the now empty magical tray with the tray that held the food. Her hands were shaking, the cup knocking against the edge of the tray while she walked towards the stairs to his cell. Why was she so frightened? Perhaps it was her dreams of him she thought. 

The door opened and closed quickly behind her when she entered the cell. The once prince of Asgard had not moved from his spot in his chair with his feet kicked up on the foot cushion.

“Where would you like this?” Her hand shook a little, her voice braver than she felt. It was at this moment he stood.

He was a lot taller than she had imagined when she had seen him from her cell. His skin was whiter than she had originally anticipated, his hair blacker than the raven’s feathers and fell just past his shoulders slicked back and his eyes… they were greener than the sea foam or the grass that grew in the garden.

“I’ll take it if you don’t mind.” Loki’s voice purred into her ears enticing her in.

“Thank you.” Sigyn’s voice was steady now, the tray no longer in her hand. The smell about him, why was it so familiar? And then she heard Odin’s voice in her head, reminding her of her promise to attend to his needs. “Is there anything else you require of me?”

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