Chapter XX: Voodoo Overdue.

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I expected him to betray me, I never suspected him to betray me rather so quickly. Lilith held her hand to her mouth as the two of us entered the dorm, Caleb was there, with a furious look. His face and eyes were redder than the crimson pupils of the Grimm themselves. In his hands he held a crudely-constructed voodoo doll version of me, I felt a blade just grazing my chest as Caleb held a needle over the bosom of the doll.

Caleb: Cheating on my Diana aren't we? Y/N?

He says, clearly crazed.

Me: Hello Caleb, I never suspected you of having this long of a dick.

Lilith: Caleb? What are you doing?

Lilith asks, Caleb shoots her a stare and frantically orders her.

Caleb: Run now! Get Ozpin, Ironwood. Anyone, go!

He shouted. Lilith nervously backed away and ran out of the door, where was she going?

I turned back to him, he was fuming at me, hand poised to strike.

Me: Now then Caleb. you just made my girlfriend run away.

Caleb: Who's your girlfriend than huh? Lilith... or... *sniff* Diana

Me: She approached me first you know that Caleb.

I commented, he didn't exactly show any signs of letting the voodoo doll down.

Caleb: Y-y-you lied! TO ME! A-and TO EVERYONE ELSE! I-I'm here to STOP YOU!

Me: What do you expect? I'm not your average huntsman?

I sarcastically noted.

Caleb: Don't give me that! You promised me that Diana would be my girlfriend after you were done with me! I DID EVERYTHING! I EVEN LAID THOSE SO-CALLED 'SMOKE BOMBS' DOWN FOR HER!

Me: Nevertheless a reason for you to get the fucking job done. You're too much of a pansy to commit genocide and take responsibility for it.

I mocked, Caleb growled.

Caleb: I-I can't believe you.

Me: You're a powerhouse waiting to be claimed by someone. Honestly, it's surprising you didn't report me to Ozpin when you had the chance. Shows how blind you are when it comes to life!

Caleb: And what's that supposed to mean!? Huh! Mr. I'll destroy Beacon because I'm a fucking beta male and need to compensate for something!

Me: Diana doesn't love you! JACKASS! If she did she wouldn't have approached me, PERSONALLY in the afternoon...

Caleb slowly turned to realization, I continued on. Knowing it wasn't me that purposely stole Diana from him.

Me: She wouldn't have flirted with me and practically offered herself to me just to dance with me for an hour!...

He was visibly shaken, he dropped the pin. I could see tears begin welling up in his eyes again.

Me: She would actually know your name and treat you as a close friend rather than Elliot Fucking Rodger!...

Caleb dropped the doll, he then knelt down and held his hands to his head, in spite of my revelation to his ego. He continued to oppose.

Caleb. No... no, no, NO! NOOO!

Me: Your love for her made you a damn pincushion, you were a weakass before I came and practically gave you advice to grow a damn dick! Heck, you were all in it for Diana who wasn't even in you from the freaking beginning. All the well it made you the perfect glass cannon, an obedient drone with nothing to gain in the end. If anyone's the beta male here it's you and your pathetic essence!

Ace of Spades: Evil Male Reader! Insert {Volume 1} UPHEAVALOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora