Chapter XII: To Kill a Spartan

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He finally finished sewing in the last green eye buttons as he cleared his throat and set down the needle and thread onto his makeshift voodoo suitcase kit. Brushing his hands and cracking his neck as he sighed in relief. He picked it up gently before looking at it and marvelling at his own craftsmanship.

Caleb: She's all ready to go.

I grinned as I snatched it from his hands. Instantly he panicked, he tried to get it from me as I held him back with one arm.

Caleb: Careful with that Y/N!

Me: Shut up, I'm a professional.

Caleb flinched back as I grabbed the Pyrrha-esque Voodoo doll. It looked so vulnerable underneath my grasp... like I could just... strike a blade into it's heart. I looked at Caleb and smirked.

Me: So then... wanna play Persian?

He was initially confused.

Caleb: ...We're gonna invade Greece?

I still continued to smile and shook my head.

Me: We're gonna kill us a Spartan.

I began to laugh, all the while Caleb had a distant sign of a mild smirk too.

Me: Now Caleb, here's the plan...


I met up with Pyrrha in the Emerald Forest. I was following her as she brushed past the branches leading up to where Jaune's corpse was, or at least was left of it, all the while Caleb was following close behind with Pyrrha's dollified form, a knife and whacking stick in hand.

Me: So Pyrrha? Why tell me... You could've told your team. Or anyone else.

She paused for a moment, before speaking.

Pyrrha: You're one of Jaune's closer friends, that means I can trust you. I need evidence from you that Jaune didn't hack the speaker system, And I just need someone to have my back, just in case Spade is still lurking around the perimeter.

Me: Very well then, have your back I shall! Lead on.

I followed the red-haired girl all the way to the similar clearing in the forest that Jaune and I fought. The marks on the ground extremely evident, made clear with the centrepiece of the carnage. A lone leg, impaled by a blade on the ground with fresh blood still surrounding the area.

Me: Monty Effin Oum...

I said in an overly exaggerated way, holding my hand to my mouth while pretending to try not to barf.

Pyrrha: Now you see... I know it terrible looking. But first I need a clue or two.

Me: Take your time

Pyrrha said... Before finding an Ace Card, An Ace of Spades Card.

Pyrrha: What the?...

She muttered, as I looked around and saw Caleb hiding behind a tree, he thumb upped me as I signalled back.

Me: That could mean something y'know.

I said, as I slowly stepped behind Pyrrha. Taking out my butterfly knife and spinning it up in my hand... raising it up to stabbing level. Oblivious to me Pyrrha continued to stare at the card, then dropped it... I felt my knife being pulled back by a strong opposing force. I grunted and tried to push it forward, then I noticed a black hue emanating from my knife, a similar aura coming from Pyrrha's hand.


Pyrrha: Ace... Spade... It all makes sense now.

She says in a seemingly trance-like session. She turned gracefully and one-handed her rifle, pointing it at me with a grim expression on er face.

Pyrrha: Fucker...

She muttered, firing her Garand-like automatic weapon at me. I dodge it and fling my butterfly knife at her, she blocks it with her shield and charges forward. Met by a storm of Dust in her eyes as I materialize behind her, socking the back of her head and sweeping her legs out from underneath. She gasped and cringed as my shoe dug deep into her chest, she grunted effortfully trying to remove it as I spat on her in disgust.

Me: Gross! I just stepped in a pile of hero...

She scowled at me and utilized her semblance to bash my head from behind with her shield. She slammed me into the ground whilst I activated my semblance again, brushing past her legs and whipping up my knife in my drift.

Me: Well, that was fun!

Pyrrha: You know what'll really be fun? Your head on a stake, atop the highest point of Beacon Academy!

She yells, transforming her rifle quickly into a spear, flinging it towards me and landing on my hoodie. Implanting me into the ground.

Me: Gah, you bodacious bitch! Have at the!

I yelled, pulling out her spear and running at her, only to trip over her leg as I flung my butterfly knife into her thigh, causing her to cry in pain. I laughed in joy as I suddenly was bashed from behind again by her shield and was sent back flying 16 meters...

Pyrrha: Y-you killed Jaune! Y/N L/N!

Me: And Y/N L/N thou shalt refer me to...

Pyrrha: Fuck you...

She growls as she picks up her spear and approaching me with a grin she raised her spear into the air, ready to strike at any moment. All the while I only smirked back... As I focused on Caleb, who was still hiding behind the tree.

Pyrrha: I'm disappointed in you, your fighting style is SHIT! Everything about you is fucked up... You monster.

I got up and dusted myself off all the while Pyrrha was still poised to strike with her mighty spear. Which could honestly have killed me... but let's be honest, playing fair is no fair.

Me: Being a monster is only from the omniscient point of view from someone who is the actual monster. Someone who has god-like uncontrollable powers such as you, Pyrrha Nikos and every other huntsman in this fucking academy.

Pyrrha lowered her spear in shock, as she stood still.

Pyrrha: What are you playing at?

Me: You don't know, you've never had the same experiences of the real world. You know corruption is a major de facto problem with this world And I'm here to stop corruption, trying to stop someone whom is stopping corruption?... Is that really the right thing to do?

I ask, Pyrrha is initially conflicted... pondering my 'mad logic' but shakes it off and draws her spear once more.

Pyrrha: No! NO! I will not fall for your silver tongue! Y/N, your little gamble is over!

She says as she begins to throw her weapon... Shame, I then smile and raise my hand, clenching it to a fist. The signal, I could see Caleb raise his voodoo pin, positioning it towards Pyrrha's heart as I smirked, confusing her once more,

Me: It's not exactly considered gambling if you know you're gonna win in the first place...

I say, before Caleb's needle strikes Pyrrha's heart... Causing her to drop her spear, sending her into a pain-filled pandem.

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