Chapter VIII: Ace vs. Arc

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I rammed my foot into Jaune's chest, sending him falling down the dormitories screaming for his life. I too jumped down after him.

I grabbed Jaune's hoodie as well as the building itself and activated my semblance. Causing the both of us to turn into dust. Though there's one flaw to my semblance, I cannot form into dust while airborne, I have to be on some kind of surface to do it.

We slithered down the building and past the courtyard, rapidly dashing through the forest until I settled in a clearing. Jaune reformed from the dust and tumbled onto the ground dazed, while I spun out my butterfly knife and stuck it into the ground, cushioning my velocity.

Jaune: Y-your him! The criminal Ace of Spades!

Me: Criminal? Pffft! Bah! No... Petty dust thief? Nah.

I boasted mockingly, before Jaune charged at me with both his sword and shield ready to attack. I leapt over him and threw my butterfly knife onto his shield, which ricocheted and flew back into my hand. His scroll fell out of his picket and landed next to me, he turned and caught his breath.

Jaune: Your never gonna win!

Me: Who said I'm trying to win?

I ask, before I stomp on his scroll. Shattering it and kicking the pieces all over the place.

Jaune: Raghhhh!

He yelled, bashing my face with a shield and swinging his sword barely missing my neck.

Me: A good technique, limited by your lack of eye-hand co-ordination-

I taunt, Jaune swung the sword again, thinking fast I brought up my knife again and blocked it. Forcing it down and socking his right cheek, sending him tumbling backwards.

Me: -And by your awful endurance.

Jaune bashed my chest with his shield, I backstepped and held up my knife. Wiggling it around like a child would with a piece of Play-Dough. Jaune was confused, as I tossed it away.

Me: Tell you what buddy... I'll give you a bit of an easier chance. This is boring,

I say as I crack my neck and knuckles. I raise my left fist, with my left hand I signalled for him to make his move. With my right hand I grab something in my pocket.

Me: Let's do this man vs. man. Eh man?

Jaune yells one more time, he drops his shield and uses his sword with both hands. Plowing through the terrain at full speed for me I withdraw the Red Fire Dust crystal I nabbed from the shopkeeper earlier, throwing it in front of him as he swings his sword one more time. The blade makes contact with the unstable crystal as it's timid fragility causes it to rupture and explode. I'm able to get out of the explosive radius in time, but Jaune?... When I open my eyes I saw him laying on the ground with a bloody hoodie and  cracked armour.

Me: Man you really are the pussy of this school. I expected more from you Arc. And honestly I'm surprised you didn't tell Ozpin, that was kinda a dumb move on your part.

Jaune: Y-you...

Me: W-wha-wha, what's with the stuttering. Too much ash in your mouths, the air knocked out of your lungs, my total badassery?

Jaune: I-I won't let you destroy B-beacon... Y/N L/N.

Me: T-Tha-Tha-That's where you get things wrong Jauney. As far as the teachers are concerned. I'm an average student, by the name of Ace Thire, who is a good boy at Beacon. Compared to you, the ultimate laughingstock of the school.

Jaune: F-fuck you.

He angrily growled with clenched teeth, I then realized something. I didn't really need to waste this guy by myself after all.

Me: You know something Jaune... Anger doesn't exactly help you in your current situation. And not in your future one either.

I mockingly scold to him. As I pick up his sword and thrust it into his right thigh and embedding it into the ground. His piercing scream echoed throughout the woods as I begin to walk backwards, waving goodbye to him.

Me: You only have an hour or so before blood loss consumes you!-

I yell to him.

Jaune: C-come back here. You coward!

He yells as I take step after step away from him, his yells engulf my ears, the forest seemingly awakens with birds flying out from the trees, and the lustful snarls of the Creatures of Grimm in the distance. Jaune tries to pull out the sword, only to be met with more pain.

Jaune: GAHHHH!

Me: I wouldn't be screaming if I were you. Negative emotions attract bad things out here!


Me: Not to worry Jaune! Your red-head friend is in good hands!

I yell back as I pull out an Ace of Spades and set it gently on the ground near him before I retreat into the dark tree line. The ground around him turns red as he effortfully tried to yank the sword out of the ground, I could see red eyes glaring at his helpless self hungrily, I smile as I activate my semblance and dash out of there without a second thought.


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