Trust me!

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I walk onto our newly designated plane. It is significantly larger than the old one. I step onto the cargo bay ramp and already Ward and Fitz have begun some sort of exercise.

'Fitz, you have to trust me. I promise I am NOT going to shoot you. That's why it's a trust exercise.' Clearly that have been at this for hours, Ward is beginning to get fed up with him. 'It's just an Icer with a mild dosage.'

Fitz sticks his head up from behind a large Perspex crate. 'I don't give a damn if an Icer, the Night Night gun or a bazooka, you dropped me out of a plane in steel container. I don't trust you. But I use to, before you tried to kill me AND Simmons.'

I decide to try and scare Grant before he notices me. I pull my Icer from its case and fire, just missing his head, the bullet flys past his eyes. He stumbles back in fright crashing into several storage units.

'Holy shit, Jaimie.' he says as he spots me 'You could have just shot me in the head.' he yells

'I know, but I didn't. I did it deliberately.' I explain replacing my Icer in its case on my leg. It looks a lot more sensible now that I am wearing a catsuit instead of my normal getup. Honestly I prefer them over my normal clothes. It's a lot more comfortable as well.

From the balcony above the lab Jack is leaning on the railing and whistles 'God, you look so sexy in a catsuit. Can I get one?' he laughs.

I walk towards the stairs and say 'I can't see why not.' Joking of course I climb the stairs and try to slip past him. But he catches my arm and locks me in his.

I spin around to face him and quickly kiss him. He isn't expecting it and his grip loosens. Now's my chance. I burst free and run. Once I'm out of sight I find myself in an exercise room. There is a rope netting hanging from the roof. I swing myself on top of it and silently wait for Jack to come through the door. When he does he comes to a complete halt. There's no where I can really go. That was the only entrance and exit. He looks behind several obstacles and moves back to underneath me. I swing back down knocking him over with my feet.

He falls to the ground with a grunt as I knock the wind out of him. I run from the room and claim a stay room and lock the door. It seemed a little childish, but it keeps things interesting.

I have him pinned against the floor on his back. My face only millimetres away from his.

'What are you doing?' He whispers before my lips seal on his.

'Trust me.' I whisper. He almost holds his breath, it's that quiet. I stand and pull him to his feet. I run ahead of him and run into a room. It's an unclaimed bedroom. They are so much larger than the ones on the other plane. It's an actual room this time.

I hide against the wall and wait for Jack to enter. He runs through the door but he doesn't see me. Instead he stands looking dazed and I slam the door. He spins around and sees me. I walk towards him and throw my arms around his neck and kiss him. It's a gentle kiss but it becomes slightly rougher. Jack forces me backwards slamming me into the wall.

Only centimetres from my face he whispers 'No. Trust me.'

Daughter of S.H.I.E.L.D. Trigger Book 1Where stories live. Discover now