Chapter 1 - The Preparations, Part 1

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Sabbi tried to open her mouth for another round of arguments, but I put a forefinger over her lips.

"You know very well that I'm not really comfortable being in large crowds, Sabbi. And . . . just thinking about it now . . . ? Gosh, it just gives me the creeps!" I explained to her, trying to shake off the feeling and sighing miserably at the same time.

"No buts Andrei . . ." Sabbi interrupted me, now sniffing.

Oh, goodness . . . here we go again! I thought helplessly.

"You've been working so hard all your life . . . well, not all the time, of course. Yeah, since Dad and Mom died . . . in that tragic accident . . . and then grandpa and grandma passing away quite soon after . . . " Her voice trailed momentarily with a catch.

Talking about our parents and grandparents was still so painful. And so we've made a conscious effort at avoiding this subject since then.

"I've known you all my life Andrei . . . I know that you've stuck to your priorities no matter what. You've placed yourself the last of these . . ." Sabbi tried hard to swallow the anguish in her voice.

Still . . . I felt my sister!

Somehow, I sensed the guilt in her voice, I was astounded at my sister's observations . . . I couldn't believe that the baby in the family is now grown up. I wasn't able to think of any retort nor was I able to make a good repartee this time.

"I knew you worked yourself two to three shifts most times . . . sending yourself through school while burying your pretty nose in your books and . . . got yourself a degree from the university," Sabbi's tears were now running down her cheeks, her breathing getting a bit harsh.

"Oh, snap!!! Hush, Sabbi . . . please. You'll get yourself sick . . ." I anxiously hugged my sister trying to calm her down.

My sister has asthma and I was scared of an attack for she looked so upset.

"You've got to listen, Andrei. Hear me out, please!" She insisted as she raised a hand.

"Sabbi . . . please . . . " I tried to stop her.

"No, Andrei . . . you must listen to me first! Alright?"

I could only nod my head, thinking that it was best that I know what she's been thinking all these years.

"It was you who took care of me Andrei, after. . . after . . . "

" . . . . they passed away . . . " I finished for her, short of a whisper, my words now in my throat.

"Yeah!" My sister whispered back, her tears just at the brim of her eyelids.

For a moment, a poignant silence enveloped us.

" . . . . you've provided my medical and school needs Andrei, there was no one else. I have witnessed your struggles . . . the sacrifices you've made for the family . . . for me! I would know . . . for I only got you . . . .no one was there for us . . . except . . . us!" Sabbi resumed talking, she could be stubborn when she really wants to.

I was tongue-tied at this.

"You've been grieving for so long, Andrei! I would know, you know! I loved and miss them, too!" She quickly tried to wipe away the tears that were again, at the edge of her eyes.

"And right now . . . all I want . . . is for you to enjoy and have some fun . . . I want you to have a life, Andrei!"

"But you're my life Sabbi! You're my family!" I insisted, finding my tongue once again.

The One (completed)#1cleanromance O8.09.2018Where stories live. Discover now