The Truth? PART 1

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Image is kinda what I see Jackson looking like

I woke up encased in warmth, a phone alarm chiming off for a 7am start.

"Joe." I whispered to him, lifting his arm off of me so I could sit up.

We'd fallen asleep together, no wonder I slept easier and better than I had in ages.

Joey grunted, "Nooo, five more minutes."

"Come on," I kissed him on his cheek and down his neck, he moaned softly.
"You gotta get up or else you won't be able to come back after class and kiss me more." I laughed, got up and started getting dressed for the day.

"I was thinking," Joey said,  still lying in bed, watching me dress. "Should we tell your dad about us?"

I stayed quiet, I didn't want to, but I didn't know how to tell him that.
"I dunno..."

"It's hard, cos he might separate us, thinking about what two teens can get up to when living together-"

"Yeah!" I cut him off. "I just don't know if it'd be the best idea."

"Could you try?" He got up and came over to me, giving a warm bear hug from behind. "I just really want to be honest, you know?"

"Yeah," I lied. "I'll tell him today."

He kissed me on the cheek, and started to get dressed too.


I ate quickly and made my way to dad's office. Unlike me, dad's a morning person, so he should be in a better and more understanding mood at this time.
Three knocks on the door, I entered, hugged my father as I had ever since I could remember and sat down in a chair across from him.

"What's going on darling?"

This was hard. Since coming to this school I had kept so much from him. Before now we had been literally so close, I told him everything in my life. But we were in a really rough place financially before this job, and I know how seriously he takes his work, so I haven't wanted to distract him from such an important job.

"I just felt like talking, like we used to."

"Aw honey, I'd love to but don't have too much time right now. I've got to meet with the 8th grader's in 5 minutes, they've started having 'sauce wars' in the bathrooms again." He gave air quotes and seemed stressed over his work.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I can go." I got up to leave, at least I could blame dad's busy schedule when telling Joe why I couldn't tell him about us today.

"No! Sweetie stay! We can talk for a bit, what's on your mind?" He put on his nurturing dad voice I couldn't resist talking to.

"There's just a whole bunch of things on my mind... you're okay with me dating right?" I asked awkwardly.

"We've had this chat already, haven't we?"

"Well yeah, but, your views might be different with me being surrounded by boys 24/7."

"I thought you've already gone on dates this year?"

"I have yeah, but I wanna know how you'd feel if I developed a real relationship with someone." I really did not know how to bring this up.

"Well it would have to be with the right boy. I know how young teen boys can be- heck I was one!"

"What if it was someone like..." I wanted to say Joe.

"Take Joe for example! Now you can tell he's a good kid 100%, but you're living with him, it wouldn't be right for you two to date."

My heart sunk. I needed to get out of there.

"Okay well that's all good then, I'll see you later dad good luck with the 8th graders!" I rushed out of there and gained breath after walking and walking and walking to escape the unfortunate reality. If dad finds out about Joe and me, we'll be separated, and he's just about the only person in this school I need to see everyday, that keeps me grounded and sane and mentally stable.

I straightened up after a minute and took a deep breath, closing my eyes.

When I opened them again, a rat faced boy with a cut up uniform had run into me. I knew exactly who this was purely from detailed description. Long, badly chopped up blonde hair. Blue eyes. Cut lip.

I was standing face to face with Jackson.

"Well, well, well... what're you doing so far away from you're sweet little 'Jo Jo'?" He pinned me up against the wall. I started to struggle for air.

PART 2 will be released after 50 reads ;)

Thank you for reading the seventeenth chapter! Please vote and comment Xoxo

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