Place Your Bets

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// WARNING: Some possible offensive language ahead //

I woke up to a bright bedroom with a pounding headache, I took in my surroundings. Why am I basically naked under this blanket? Damn I'm hungry. Wait this is Joey's bed... what happened last night? Then it all came back to me; Seth. I knew he was a devil in disguise.

Someone knocked on the door, Joey and Larry came in. "Hey, you're up! How're you feeling?"

"Water." I shifted the blanket to make sure I was totally covered and held out a hand begging for something to drink. Joey handed me a water bottle and a piece of buttered toast.

They both got chairs and sat next to the bed I was lying in, they had eager faces on.

"... Okay first things first," I started with, "Why am I naked?"

"Oh well... you kind of stripped off in front of me and fell into bed." Joe said trying to ignore eye contact out of embarrassment, I'm the one that should be embarrassed, not him!

"I'm sorry... who am I kidding, you'll probably wanna tell all your friends about it, don't worry I give you permission." I sat up, not caring about the fact they could see my bra. The boys tried to find something else to look at, it was kind of adorkable. "It's kind of coming back to me, with Seth and stuff."

"Yeah what happened? You told me a whole bunch of random words last night and we need to know if you're okay." Larry said.

"Well... I was with Seth and it was super awkward, and I had a few coca cola's and a lemonade, and after a bit I started to feel kinda drunk. And I think Seth spiked my drinks." Everything was rushing back, "And we danced, and I started to feel kind of sick so we went outside, and he started to kiss my neck and then..." A tear ran down my cheek, I know worse things could have happened but I've never been forced by a boy like that before. "And he got on top of me and nothing happened but he tried to feel me up and he wanted a picture for some reason but I pushed him off and we came back here."

"I'm so sorry Sophie." Neither of the boys really knew what to say apart from that.

"I don't want my dad to know okay?" I said firmly.

"Are you sure? You should tell him, Seth could get suspended for it or something." Joe suggested.

"No. He hardly even did anything and I don't want people to find out about it."

"Alright, well I've got to get to soccer practice, let me know if you need anything." Larry left.

I slowly got out of bed and Joey turned around to give me privacy. I just put on a fluffy pink robe for now.

// Joe's POV

I couldn't believe that happened to Sophie! I knew going out with Seth was a bad idea but this is terrible, he'll pay for it.

"Could I have a hug?" Sophie said shyly, I turned to her wearing a fluffy pink robe, she looked like an adorable, hurt bunny.

"Of course!" I took her in and held her best I could. "How about we stay in here today? I'll get some snacks and we can talk and watch movies and just chill out okay?"

"That's perfect." She said into my chest.


We spent the day together, talking, laughing, she had the cutest laugh, I tried to make sure she could put what happened last night aside for at least the day.

"What shall we watch? I have a Disney Pixar collection or-"

"Done, we're watching Toy Story and Up!" She cut me off enthusiastically. "What? I like some Disney Pixar in my life." She giggled and jumped up to put on Toy Story.

"I'll get some popcorn and then we can start, I'll be really quick I promise!" I made my way out to the kitchen, I had connections there and so got some popcorn and extra chocolate easy. On my way back I came across Seth and his bunch of dick head mates.

"Hey Seth!" I suddenly called out, it's like something came over me. "How'd the date go last night, huh?"

"Yeah pretty good actually, she puts out easy, but you'd probably know that, living with her and all." His friends all jeered and laughed.

"So you had sex with her?" He was straight up lying, the douche bag.

"Yeah, she a good ride too, won some good money from these fuck heads for it." He pulled out a $10 and two $5 notes.

"So this was all a bet?" I felt myself getting seriously angry.

"Yeah of course, you can join the next one if you life, first one to get a rimmy from her-"

"That's it!" I took a hard step towards him and quickly calmed myself down, deep oooohs came from all of his friends. This was not like me. "Don't talk about her like that, you sound like complete pricks. Back the fuck off, okay!" I acknowledged their astonished faces, I'd never spoken to them like that before, as I was walking away I called out, "And Sophie told me, you two didn't even kiss last night!" I headed back to my room.

"You okay?" Sophie queried.

"Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I couldn't stop thinking about what those guys were saying.

I paused Toy Story and turned to Sophie. She looked at me with a smile, "What're you doing?" She giggled.

"Look I need to tell you something, I told you I'd protect you and stuff and..." I got lost in her big sea green eyes.

"Joey what's going on? Buzz just got introduced come on-" I took her hand instantaneously, the action stopped her talking, her hand was so small in mine.

"I just feel like you deserve to know this. When I went out before, I ran into Seth and his group and he was saying you guys had sex- don't worry I set them straight and made sure they knew the truth, without giving too much away, the full story is still safe with us. And they said it was all a bet, the first one to get with you won some money and I'm guessing some extra popularity." I blurted this all out.


"I feel so guilty, I should have stopped you going out with him the moment you mentioned it."

"Joe! It's okay! You have been wonderful, I'm serious! I'd be alone without you. I expected this to happen, of course I'm disappointed, I should have been stronger than that. None of this is your fault. Now, let's get back to Buzz, please." She gave me a reassuring smile and pressed play.

I still felt guilty about what happened. After about a minute I realised I was still holding Sophie's hand, well she was holding mine too I guess. It was so funny and cute, Sophie acted like a total kid, laughing at all the terrible jokes and crying at the sad parts. I'll be honest these movies are funnier when you're older.

I continued to watch, when I felt a soft kiss on my cheek, I could tell my face went pink . Maybe she likes me too?



Thank you for reading the sixth chapter! You are more than welcome to leave any recommendations for what you'd like to see in the next chapters, they might end up in the story!  Please vote and comment Xoxo continue reading, new chapter out soon!

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