Oh yeah this would be easy.

He licked his lips and just smiled at her. This is what he does to get girls, its a method Shawn thought was very important.

Her cheeks got red and she smiled slightly. "Can I help you." She giggled, setting her pencil down. Shawn stood and put his hand out for her to grab it, she hesitated before grabbing it.

"Shawn." He smiled.

She blushed even more and took it. "Camila."

Shawn smiled wider. "I like that name... Camila." She looked down smiling, and when she looked up Shawn was still staring at her, his smile still there. She looked around and looked back at him, a confused look.

"Why are you staring at me." She asked, not being able to contain an innocent smile.

"Well Camila." He leaned a little closer.  "You are just so pretty its kind of hard not too." He bit his lip slightly. That was a lady killer right there. He watched as her face grew redder than he'd ever seen anyone else's before. It amused him how much she had blushed.

She shook her head "I- I'm not-"

"Yes.. you are. You're so pretty I just had to walk all the way from my desk." He pointed to it and Cameron looked away in an obvious way. He couldn't help but chuckle. "Right over there."

She giggled, it was a cute giggle. Shawn liked it. "Well I'm not that pretty for you to walk two desks back."

Shawn let out a laugh. "That was funny, Camila. Im being serious though. You're pretty."

She looked down obviously at a loss of words. Shawn cocked his head to the side. "You're new aren't you?" He sat on the top of her desk.

"Yes." She met his eyes.

He smiled, not showing his teeth. "Where'd you come from?" He studied her features. her lips were attractive and he liked how small her nose was , he liked how her make up made her eyes bigger cussing him to draw his eyes to hers.

"Miami." She simply said.

Shawn nodded "can I have your number?" he changed the subject. Her eye brows rose and she hesitated. "Uh y- yeah." He smirked and pulled his phone out, handing it to her, he made his fingers brush over hers. Once she finished putting in her number she gave it back to him.

"I'll text you."  He winked.

She nodded holding back a smile. After that, Shawn walked back to his desk to sit by Cameron.

"So?" cameron spoke raising his eye brows. Shawn looked back at camila who was smiling down at her lap. It was cute. "Got her number." The corner of his lips curved up.

He was going to fuck her. Without a doubt.

Camilas keys jingled as she tried to unlock her front door. It was so hot outside and she couldn't find the right key. "Damnit." she swore in frustration. After what felt like forever she finally unlocked her front door and entered the cool air conditioned house. Her first day didnt go as bad as she'd thought. That cute boy in her second period, Shawn, was the start of her day becoming good. No guy had ever done that really. They'd never told her she was pretty. They'd never came up to her out of the random. Why did he? What did she do for him to notice her the way he did? She caught herself smiling at the thought. Maybe this year wouldn't be terrible. She hated the fact that she didnt know anyone. She misses her friends. Why did she have to leave them. Hopefully she'll make new ones. Just like them. But she doesn't want new ones. Those are her friends. The worlds darker without them.

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