Good bye Rosie.

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I had just done the deed.

i just shook my hand with the devil, and struck a bargain.

Welllll, it didnt exactly happen right then, but more likely occured as soon as i stepped into the Tardis for the first time.

Now, most readers right now are proably cluesless...

Is she dead???

Is she a Timelord???

and Can i have a waflle???

the awnswers...

No, No, and wrong book you DALEK BRAINED IMBECILE!

Anyways, what i was saying was that..


But, with the last bits of life still hidden deep within me, i felt a feeling of belonging as i felt a wave of understanding wash over me.

I knew what i had to do now.

And there was no going back.


I choked as i felt my fail body being grabbed gently by a pair of masculine hands that were clammy.


His hands shook as he picked me up, and held me tightly as we rushed out of the arena, into the Tardis, and shot off towards the emergency med bay.

the loud buzzing returned into my ears as my ears struggled to undertsand the gargling voices of the Doctor, Amy, and Rory as they rushed me to the med bay.

Within a few seconds, i felt myself being gently placed onto a smooth surface, the Tardis' sadd song of sadess entering my ears as i felt myself being tugged closer and closer to the ever tempting sleep that just came naturally with an instance like so.

"Doctor.. i .. i'm tired.." i yawned quietly, turning into a cough as i struggled to keep myself from falling to sleep as i tried to open my eyes.

i was shooken rapidly as i felt the Doctors distinguishably clammy hand grasp in mine as i felt my breaths slow down, the dull echoing in my chest becomign slowler and slower.

"hang in there ROSIE!!! Promise me you'll hang in there!!!" he shouted as i felt wet tears from the Doctor drip onto my face. with a stiff, but noticable nod i felt the Doctors hand clutch my hand even tighter.

"Rosie, open your eyes.... please.." he begged as i felt a machine hooking up to me as i heard Rory shout seemingly far away.

i felt myself try, and with a lot of effort, i was able to slowly open my eyes.

my vision swirled gently as it slowly steadied and i looked up to see a look of relief show upon the murky face of the Doctor that was a few inches from mine.


"Do you trust me, Rosamund Campbell, do you trust me?" he asked as i felt his hand slowly trace to the side of my face.

i nodded gently, and smiled painfully as i saw a small smile come across the Doctors face, who was beaming brilliantly as he rubbed soothing circles on my hand that he held tightly.

but, as his smile slowly fell into that of a distant sad smile, ifelt him frown slowly, and with a chaste kiss on my forehead i glanced up to see him slowly letting go of my hands.

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