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with a ego bosting pop, i cracked my knuckles anxiously as i gathered my suplies , and readied myself for war.

i had my handy dandy sonic screwdriver, along with my super awesome gloves, my computer and headphones, and a lollipop, along with several other helpful items.

my evil grin stretched from ear to ear a si suited up into this: , my body in a state of utter 110% fear along with the gut feeling of adrenaline, like i know its coming, but i cant wai, which honestly scares me.

It scares the Hell out of me, honestly. 

wityh one last glance, i look at myself , and with a confident od, i quickly dash downstairs. with a quick dash, i was outside, checking to see if i had everything.

 with a confirming peruse, i smile and take one last look at my house, just in case.

with a firm breath, i type in the coordinates to the town center on my glove, and with a firm push, i felt myself being transported to the new battelfield that was presented on earth.

with a thud, i hit the ground, taking a deep , cleasning breath , and slowly standing up.

i felt my world go black at the sudden sight.

the entire sun was blockaded with the dalek ships that were now invading earths upper atmosphere. i tok a large gulp, feeeling suddenly ligheheaded at the challenge.

i pinched myself, and snapped back to reality, gazing around the park that was my current location. there were screaming people, running and screaming in terror, others were just flat out drunk and lay around , scattered as if waiting for inevitable end to come.

it was sad what a waste of a mind it was.

with a dimsissiveshake of my head, i shook off the heavy coat of emotions that were previously burying myself.

with a sigh, i waited there, watching slowly as they came closer, gulping and staring in terror as the Daleks slowly ascended from the sky, there war cries mixed with the shouts of the wounded and the screams of the helpless.

it was time for action...

with an angry snarl, i took shaky breaths, keeping my anger and fear in equal blanace.

i glanced around, a tremor of fear shaking inside me as the massive invasiopn began, slowly slaughtering millions upon millions.

"EXTERMINATE!" with a quick hop, and managing to roll , i was able to avoid the 3rd shot today.

i gazed around, and within 3 seconds i saw someone i could help.

a 3 year old boy hiding behind his parents dead bodies. i felt adrenaline pump through nme, and with a few ninja like strides, i shoot a massive beam of concerntated plasma energy from my glove, the dalek exploding in a shower of sparks, luckily i was in front of the child so i was only scraped, but he was fine.

i turned around, glancing at the terrified boy , who was shaking his parents unrepsonsive bodies.

i felt a tear slip down my face, i quickly walk over to him, making sure my voice stays calm.

 "Im going to get you out of here, right now i need your cooperation. so tell me whats your name?" i asked, bending down to look at the terrified child who clung to the limp arm of his mom, tears snaking down his face.

"J . Jamie." he stuttered, jumping as a clump of eartyh was launched into the air, violently crushing the ground near Jamie, i quickly go over to him.

"Hi Jamie, My Name is Rosamund, you can cal me Gigi if you like, but right now im going to need your absolute attention, is that clear?" i asked, he sniffed lightly, his argyle sweater drenched in his neverending streams of tears.

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