A Dream?

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"But mummy! i dont want to go to the Academy!"

Jamie giggled as he proceded to poke the unconcious timelord with his won sonic screwdriver, earning a slight snicker from Rory who was now awake and was awaiting Amy to return.

the Doctor pawed at the air like a puppy, his hands pawing at the air.

But, as suddenly as he was the dreaming, Everyone found themselves bounding backwards in surprise as the Doctor suddenly sprung awake with a newlyfound look of alertness and terror across his wisened face.

his head shot in every wich way as he glanced around the Tardis, his hardened gaze sloowly becoming softer, but was quickly put on a halt as he realized that Rory and Jamie were awake, and were staring at him like he was insane.

 he sputtered a few words nervously under his breath as he slowly crawled up, and with a quizical glance, was staring at the blass wall that protected the middle of the Tardis.

his hand slowly bent out to touch it, and with a swipe, he licked his finger, but only a look of curiousity to appear.

 he quickly swooshed around to face 2 very eager companions that were also very curious.

 "Did anything happen while i was asleep?" he asked with a hardened face as his companions loked at him with a look of surprise.

apparently, the timelord wasnt aasleep for too long.

what could posibly have happeend in the span of 15 minutes???

Lots, and Lots of things.

Jamie was first to pipe up, his cheery and childish grin fumbling as he gazed back up to see the Dcotors stoic glare hardening on him.

"Nothing really, although we all decided to take a nap , and i think i heard Rosie GiGi crying..." he said as he paused for a moment, almost as if for a dramatic effect, and was about to continue his sentence before the impatient Doctor quickly cut him off.

"do you know where she is, exactly?" he asked , glancing back and forth at Rory and Jamie with a small, but none the less hopeful grin.

with a shake of both of their heads, the doctors smile quickly shifted back into a frown, his forehead creased.

the doctor was staring at Amy and River, who were both still sleeping, when he felt a tug on his pants.

he glanced down to see Jamie looking at him with glimmering eyes, the Doctor bending down to get a more even veiw with Jamie.

Jamie, sudenly shy, had his hjead pointed towards the floor as he played with his hands and squeaked his sneakers on the Tardis floor as he lookd down.

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