It Passes

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It had almost been a week since the akuma attack and my Papa still didn't want me back at school. I tried to protest, saying that I was getting way behind but to no avail. I was never lonely. Amelle had made it her sworn duty to keep me drowning in homework.

"I guess the phrase bed ridden and sick don't mean anything when homework is being passed out." I glared at the pile of assignments Amelle had made at the end of my bed.

"I wish I was bed ridden." Amelle commented offhandedly.

I look up at her raising my eye brows.

She dramatically throws herself across my lap. knocking over the homework tower and sending papers to the floor. "No annoying people, No teachers. Just you and your bed." She perks up and smiles "and me of course"

I shrug "At least you get to see the guy you like." I said in an I'm so envious way. Even though I really didn't have anyone I like at the moment.

She rolled over and sighed. Covering her eyes with her inner arm protecting from the invisible sunlight. "If only there was one guy I liked. For you see there is another. She pulled her phone out and stared at the lock screen. "My love how I long to be with you." She proceeds to give her phone a lustrous kiss.

Confused I pull the phone from her love struck fingers. When I turn it on I am confronted with a photo of Amelle's twins sized canopy bed strung with fairy lights. I look at her incredulously. "So your in love with your bed? What about Ceil?"

She grabs her phone back pressing it to her heart. "While Ceil's face is quite nice he is no match for my love." She holds the phone at arms length. "Oh my romeo shall no one understand our love."

I can't help but burst out laughing when Amelle has a quite exaggerated make out session with her lock screen for my entertainment.

There was a light knock at the door and Conner steps in holding a white bakery bag. His strawberry blonde curls were sticking out in all directions giving him a wind swept look. Which He was since both him and Amelle ride there bikes to school and back. He freezes when he sees my predicament. Quickly dropping the bag to the floor he covers his nose and mouth with his shirt.

"Em quick cover your mouth I think I read somewhere crazy's contagious." He half shouted in an over the top sort of way.

Laughing I cover my mouth with my shirt. Amelle then looks at me with crazed eyes and begins to climb up my bed towards me. It would have been really creepy if it wasn't for the fact that she slipped off the bed falling to the floor before she got to me.Conner and I burst out in a laughing fit and even Amelle joined in.

Amelle and Conner are my closest friends. Which makes since because we've known eachother for forever. We even went to kindergarten together. Conner was in a different class but we all had outdoor play time together. One time the teacher had parked my wheelchair to the side of the play ground and helped me waddle over to where Amelle was picking flowers. I sat down and the teacher walked back to the main playground to help with the other kids. Amelle glanced up and smiled at me holding up a yellow poppy.

"Isn't pretty?" She said in a voice like sunshine.

"Yeah!" I had agreed.

Amelle has always been the child most people pray for. Her long golden curls surround her heart shaped face like a golden halo. But that's not why we were friends.

A group of older kids make their way over from the playground.

"Oh look its the stiff!" One of the boys exclaimed.

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