Gc// Thor

665 11 7

'Spider-Man is better than Iron Man'

Asshole- Harrison
Spiderling🌟- Tom
Ben and Zennies🍦- Zendaya
Starkling💌- Lizzie
Cactus🌵- Hetty
Cheese🧀- Maisie
Guy in the chair🎮- Jacob
Baby Vulture💃🏿-Laura

••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••

Starkling💌- Guys help!!

Baby Vulture💃🏾- what did you do this time

Starkling💌- I seriously made the biggest mistake in the history of mankind

Guy in the chair🎮- you and Tom got caught again??

Starkling💌- fuck you🖕🏻

Asshole- what did you do know I'm not on set so I have no clue what's going on

Cactus🌵- yeah where are you and does anyone know where Cheese went

Cheese🧀- I'm with Harrison

Starkling💌- say what know!?

Cactus🌵- woman get your cute little ass back to set this instance

Cheese🧀- no

Cactus🌵- no... no

No.... NO!

Asshole- 😂😂😂

Cactus🌵- 🖕🏻

Starkling💌- okay so Tom plays Peter Parker and Chris Pratt plays Peter Quill and so they just did this things and Tom as Peter goes Oh my gosh you names Peter too!!! And so they just started fangirling over the fact that they share the same name

Okay I'm out peace!


Old Tin Man-- Robert Downey Jr
Captain Spangly Pants-- Chris Evans
Scarlett Puppeteer Witch-- E . Olsen
Tic Tac Man-- Paul Rudd
Son of Odin-- Chris Hemsworth
Bird Suit-- Anthony Mackie
Black Widow Spider-- Scarlett Johansson
Big Green Monster-- Mark Ruffalo
Trickster Loser-- Tom Hiddleston
Sargent Machine-- Don Cheadle
Legolas Everdeen-- Jeremy Renner
Cat lover-- Chadwick Boseman
Who the hell is Bucky-- Sebastian Stan
J.A.R.V.I.S-- Paul Bettany
Speedy Gonzalo-- Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Baby Stark-- Elizabeth Betteridge
Spiderling-- Tom Holland
The sidekick-- Harrison Osterfield

New arrivals—— Star Prince- - Chris Pratt
Green Assassin- - Zoe Saldana
Twig Man- - Vin Diesel
Blue Assassin- - Karen Gillan
The Destroyer- - Dave Bautista
Raccoon- - Bradley Cooper
Bug Lady- - Pom Klementieff
Beyoncé- - Benedict Wong
Agent Robin Sparkles- - Cobie Smulders Sherlock Supreme- - Benedict Cumberbatch
Strawberry blonde- -Gwyneth Paltrow

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