Messanger/GC// news

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Bitchwitch- Elizabeth
MotherSpider- Scarlett
BadassBabyStark- Lizzie

---😈Marvel Chicks 😈---

You guys will never guess what!!!!

MotherSpider- what the fuck did you do??

Bitchwitch- I'm not gonna have to go get ice cream again am??

No what no.....
you'll never guess who asked me to go to the premiere of their new film with them

MotherSpider- well can't be any of us our film comes out this May and it's not Chris his probs either going lone wolf or with Elsa??

Bitchwitch- wait you mean the Spiderling asked you?

MotherSpider- yeah I nearly forgot that Tom was also in that film with Chris damn what a small world we live in

Bitchwitch- and what was your answer tell us tell us!!!

Take a chill pill my dashingly attractive twin okay

I said yes

MotherSpider- right hold that thought!

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Old Tin Man-- Robert Downey Jr
Captain Spangly Pants-- Chris Evans
Scarlett Puppeteer Witch-- E . Olsen
Tic Tac Man-- Paul Rudd
Son of Odin-- Chris Hemsworth
Bird Suit-- Anthony Mackie
Black Widow Spider-- Scarlett Johansson
Big Green Monster-- Mark Ruffalo
Trickster Loser-- Tom Hiddleston
Sargent Machine-- Don Cheadle
Legolas Everdeen-- Jeremy Renner
Cat lover-- Chadwick Boseman
Who the hell is Bucky-- Sebastian Stan
J.A.R.V.I.S-- Paul Bettany
Speedy Gonzalo-- Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Baby Stark-- Elizabeth Betteridge
Spiderling-- Tom Holland
The sidekick-- Harrison Osterfield


Black Widow Spider- Listen here Peasants I bring forth News about young Stark

BirdSuit- you have my attention

Who the hell is Bucky- same

Old Tin Man- what's this about my daughter I hear

Captain Spangly Pants- what's she done this time

Cat lover- I feel as though we are more focused on the small Stark than on the Civil War

Sargent Machine- Team Ironman

J.A.R.V.I.S- team Ironman

Spiderling- team Ironman

Old Tin Man- atta boy Parker good choice

Son of Odin- team Thor

Big Green Monster- team Thor

Speedy Gonzalo- Team Cap

Legolas Everdeen- Team Cap

Tic Tac Man- Team Cap

Baby Stark-
Team Thor!

Old Tin Man- Traitor!

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