Real Life// God sent Angels

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To say having your ex over is awkward was the understatement of the century in Lizzie's mind.

Having to sit opposite them whilst discussing everyday life with an friend whilst the two are engaged to one another. What made things worse is that the moment Samuel laid eyes on Lizzie it was hell very rarely did his eyes move from her and she new for a fact he couldn't care less if Rebecca saw this or not, but as soon as Lizzie heard a second knock on the door she thought that a god sent angel had arrived which was partially true as the angel in question came in the form of one of her new best friends Harrison.

"Harrison it's so good to see you" she hesitantly laughed before quickly latching onto the boy in a bone crushing hug, "thank god your here" she mumble low enough just for him to hear as he nodded after Tom came sprinting over to him prior to his arrival at the girl's house saying that Lizzie needed a miracle save and it had to be him since her ex had shown up in the form of her friends fiancé.

"Well it's incredibly hard to say no to your cooking that's for sure Liz thanks for inviting me over, Tom said he'll be here soon so never fear the gang will be back together again in a jiffy" he grinning giving Lizzie one of his best reassuring smiles possible. "Brilliant come on in them and I can introduce you to everyone" Lizzie spoke grabbing hold of the boys arm and dragging him into the sitting room where the other two guests were, "Rebecca, Samuel my I introduce my good friend Harrison, Harrison this is Rebecca Ferdinand and Samuel Young" she quickly introduced them to the boy before letting go of his arm to shake each of the others hands and greet them himself.

Harrison could tell just by him being in a room acted as an anchor for his younger friend who seemed to be quite on edge yet since being an actor had its perks she was able to hide it quiet well from the other two people in the room, but even with him there it only could do so much he new for a fact that as soon as Tom arrived she would melt into his side and be relaxed with out a care in the world.

"So Harrison how did you and Lizzie meet I don't remember seeing you at any of our get togethers last time I saw her?" Rebecca questioned him as the guy next to her Samuel gave him quite the hard stare looking for ways that may brake him. Putting on a small smile and a cheery manner he answer the girl, "well me and Lizzie met whilst on the set of her new movie, my best friend Tom is in it and so I met Liz whilst on set with him". He glanced at Samuel who seemed to still be judging his character even though he seemed to know a lot about him from past stories he's heard from the Glasses wearing girl next to him.

"Yeah we got along really well, since him and Tom where the only lot around my age on set I kind of hovered towards them which is really good cause it meant I made new friends" Lizzie said in a smiley tone of voice.

Rebecca seemed satisfied by the answer but the pair could tell Samuel was more than finished with this story, "so where are you from then Harrison then you don't seem sound very American at all your what a Texan or something?" Samuel asked quite dumbly (no offence to any Samuels, no body is truly stupid it's just a way someone may act and not even realise their like that) Lizzie inwardly was screaming at the guy in front of her who on multiple occasions whilst dating in their youth attempt to throw him self at her when she made it perfectly clear of her intentions. Harrison shot him a warning look before replying to his previous question, "I'm from London born and bred there," he explained as Rebecca seemed quite interested by the near fact that he was British.

"So how do you find America then it most be so much different to England is it true it always raining there, do you guys like even get thanksgiving or or have you ever heard of Target" Rebecca questioned him.

Lizzie shook her head, Rebecca yet brilliant and fantastic in her own ways had never been truly bright when it came to things out side of her own life, so she watched on feeling sorry for the questions that poor Harrison was being interrogated with.

"I'm sorry you'll have to excuse me for a moment or else no ones gonna be eating tonight or someone's going to have to get take out so I'm just gonna start on dinner now," Lizzie stated leaping from her seat next to Harrison and making a bee line for the kitchen which was just opposite the front door making it easier for her to reach when Tom finally arrived.

She chose to make her Moms secret Spaghetti bolognese, since it could win any person whom she made it for over in a heart beat.

She quickly got to work going through the steps in her head that had been imprinted there by her mother before she passing, not once did she slip up as she also took drinks for her guests before returning back to her kitchen where she went over th...

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She quickly got to work going through the steps in her head that had been imprinted there by her mother before she passing, not once did she slip up as she also took drinks for her guests before returning back to her kitchen where she went over the few notes she had made over the years that helped her to remember certain things.

But it wasn't until she heard the quiet yet familiar sound of her front door open and closing and the silent knock of keys against being put back into a coat pocket did she really start to relax as she felt familiar arms wrap them selves around her waist and a light kiss placed on her jawline from familiar lips. Exhaling all fears she leaned back into the gentle yet soothing touch of her boyfriend as he rested his head upon her shoulder watching her chop final ingredients that where to be added to the bolognese.

"Lovely of you to show your handsome face round here" she chuckled turning her head ever so slightly to catch the sly grin that had crept onto Tom's lips, "well I now I couldn't be late for dinner or so help me I might as well have Thanos crush my soul" he joked getting a light laugh out of her.

"I think you may wanna get in there and save your best friend god only knows the horrors he's going through since I was last in there," she expressed to him as he sighed in guilt for what his friend must had been through.

"What drink would you like Tea or a beer, Harry's still got some left over from his and some of his mates gathering last week or anything you want?" She quickly asked before he walked out the room her usual hostess character coming into the mix as she sometimes was when under stress whilst having people over.

"A cup of tea would be marvellous please Kitten" he smiled before venturing towards the living room where more voices could be heard.

Busying herself with making tea for both her and Tom, she inwardly cringed at how dinner may go with both her ex and current boyfriend being in the room with one another.

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