Real Life// Happy Birthday!... Ooohh

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Hetty's POV

"Shut the fuck up" I hissed pointing over at Kj who was about to say something as Lizzie walked into the room, startled by how quiet everyone had gone.

"What are you losers staring at I now I'm ugly but didn't your parents teach you its rude to stare" she scoffed going back to texting on her phone, "so you looking forward to turning 20?" Casey asked her as she took a seat next to Madeleine, "Yeah I guess never really been a big fan of my birthday so you know..." she drew out as Cole shook his head.

"Don't forget that one time when we managed to get your birthday to be celebrated within the show" he reminded her as she grinned at the memory, before her smile dropped instantly.

"Yeah that was... that was a great day" she mumbled going back to her phone before it started ringing, "I gotta take this I'll be back in a sec" she spoke jumping up and rushing out of the room.

"Okay I'm still confused as to why she doesn't enjoy her birthday" Cami questioned as Casey and Kj nodded they're heads in confusion. I looked over at Cole as I nodded for him to tell them seeing as he remembered what happened better than I did, "that episode that lined up with her birthday was the last birthday she ever celebrated with her mom, then a few days she got admitted to hospital where she spent the next few months before she passed away.... I remember when Lizzie didn't show up for work two days in a row and when Phil told us what had happened Dylan and I forced our dad to drive us to the hospital so she wasn't alone" Cole explained rubbing his knuckles sighing heavily.

"Cole remembers it a lot more than I do since he was older than us, all I really remember is not being able to see Lizzie and her family for a while then after a couple months I saw her again she was different yet managed to cover it up like nothing happened" I explained as Cami looked as shocked, "but like the trooper that she is she only really let's what happened effect her at least once a year if possible" Cole then said, I often wondered what the guy didn't know about Lizzie but then again him, Dylan and Liz where close growing up and might has well been siblings.

"So this year she's turning twenty so I've been trying to get Tom, Harrison and Maisie to fly out and spend her birthday with her" I explained as they all nodded along. And from there we continued with the plans for tomorrow.

Lizzie's POV:

"They're planning something aren't they?" I asked Maisie as she sighed, "yep they went dead silent didn't they?" She laughed, "well you could say that" I joked hearing Harrison's voice in the back ground complaining.

"So You, Harrison and Tom are in on the plan?" I questioned her watching the crew moving around as they cleared away the rest of yesterday's shoot. "Kinda I'm sorry Lizzie but my lips are sealed" She spoke I imagined her zipping her lips shut on the other end, "But Tom has other ideas!" Harrison's voice came shouting down the phone "Jesus Harrison your on the phone not the other side of the room god, what is your problem!" I cursed switching sides and rubbing the ear he's shouted down, "shut up Harrison you'll ruin it" Maisie shouted before the sound of someone getting hit could be heard and Harrison whining loudly soon following. "Play nice children or I'll have to call your father" I sniggered hearing Harrison laugh and Maisie chuckle.

"Oh no I'm so scared please don't mommy please don't" Maisie's childish voice squeaked.

"How am I friends with you people?" I questioned myself.

"Cause you love us and we're your children" Maisie's high pitched voice giggled.

"I hate you sometimes you know that" I laughed shaking my head, "mother I am hurt by your words take them back before Harrison starts crying" Maisie spoke in a fake hurt tone "in your wildest dreams Mouse" I scoffed hiding the smile I had at the sound of Harrison's complaints.

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