Gc// Language

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Little Lil💜- Lili Reinhart
EvilMel😈- Hetty Wreathed
Maisie mouse🐭- Maisie Newton
Boss Cathy👔- Cathryn Betteridge
Princess Liz👑- Elizabeth Betteridge

--Chic Squad--

Little Lil💜- have we been replaced?

Boss Cathy👔- what do you mean Lili?

EvilMel😈- she's talking about Lizzie replacing us with a boy

Little Lil💜- yeah exactly

Princess Liz👑-
No Lil I haven't replaced you it's just I can see you guys when ever I want but I actually have to travel to go see Tom

Maisie Mouse🐭- what she's trying to say guys is that she actually found a boy worth her time and she wants to see whether or not he's good enough or not

EvilMel😈- nicely put my friend nicely put

Little Lil💜- brilliant just worried since you haven't messaged me in four days and I miss talking to my small friend

Princess Liz👑-
Say's the person who's name is 'little Lil' plus I hate that you guys bully me for being small I'm only two inches smaller than you which is two inches taller than Hetty

EvilMel😈- hey no need to be mean okay but hell who's taller when it comes to wearing heals!

Maisie Mousie🐭: 🙋🏼 me me I am I am

Little Lil💜: 🙋🏼🙋🏼 NO NO me ME I am in the tallest

Boss Cathy👔: LADIES LADIES LADIES please contain your selves and stop this petty bickering okay we all know who the tallest of us is when high Heals are involved 🙋🏼 ME 🙋🏼

Princess Liz👑-
no need to be humble or anything Cath isn't not a modelling job okay we can all guess who's the tallest we don't need a fricken banner to be put up or anything stating what we already know

EvilMel😈- 😹😹😹😹 you said BANNER 😹😹😹😹

Maisie Mouse🐭- remind me why we're friends with you again??

Boss Cathy👔- cause you went to school with each other so don't worry I have been questioning why you guys are friends since the day Lizzie came home from school saying she actually made friends with people who she hadn't met on a film set

Little Lil💜- Lizzie didn't make friends with me on set we met each other in a coffee shop

Princess Liz👑-
Yeah I'm still really sorry for spilling my Hot chocolate on you

Little lil💜- no hard feelings besides I got a free coffee, Muffin and a new best friend so I'm cool 😎

Princess Liz👑-
Guys check this out

 She's been watching me for the last ten minutes and I'm starting to worry is that normal for a dog

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She's been watching me for the last ten minutes and I'm starting to worry is that normal for a dog

Boss Cathy👔- wat cha been doing the last ten minutes?

Princess Liz👑-
Talking to you guys and watching Tv with Tom

Maisie Mouse🐭- she's so CUTE!!!!

EvilMel😈- eww it's Tom

Little lil💜- hey weren't you wearing that hat when I face timed you whilst you were on set ages ago??

Princess Liz👑-
Maybe and shut up Hetty he's gorgeous and I know right Maisie she's the sweetest thing in the world

Boss Cathy👔- dear sweet baby Jesus I think she's in love

EvilMel😈- eww eww eww gross child stay away go infect someone else with your loveliness😷

Little Lil💜- I think it's adorable❤️

Maisie Mouse🐭- I feel jealous and lonely please teach me your ways of attracting those from the other sex

Princess Liz👑-
Dudes what the hell is wrong with you people Tom just looked over at me and got a glimpse of what you guys where saying what the hell is wrong with you

EvilMel😈- hahahahahahaha😹😂😂😂

Maisie Mouse- 😂😂😂😂😂

Little lil💜- 🤣🤣😂😂

Boss Cathy👔-🤣😹😹😂😂🤣🤣😂😹😂

Princess Liz👑-
I hate you all😡

Boss Cathy👔- aww you love us all but you love Tom more than us 🤣

Princess Liz👑-
Fuck you all

Maisie Mouse🐭- hey Lizzie...

Princess Liz👑-

EvilMel😈- .......


Little Lil💜- 🤣🤣🤣

Boss Cathy👔- 😂🤣

Princess Liz👑-
I'm leaving .......

Boss Cathy👔- love you too 💋❤️

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