Chapter 27

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*Unedited, First Draft*

I wake up to the sun streaming through my curtains and the sound of breathing next to me. A smile makes its way onto my face when I think of Ash. Without opening my eyes, I snuggle closer to the warm body next to. I breathe in his scent but it is not one I am familiar with. My eyes fly open and I am met with a smirking, blue eyed f*ckboy.

"Morning to you to Sunshine." He says with a smirk on his face. I sit up, making as much space as possible between us. "I think that's going to be your new nickname, Sunshine."

"Get the f*ck out of my room!" I seethe through my teeth. Where is Ash? Did I imagine everything last night? Was I so drunk that I thought Blake was Ash? Oh f*ck! I look around me frantically to find any evidence that I am not crazy. My heart stops racing when I spot Ash's backpack lying on the floor.

"Now now Sunshine that is no way to treat a guest." Blake smiles. I glare at him before I kick him off my bed.

"Owww! What the f*ck was that for." Blake complains.

"Princess, what was that?" I hear Ash call from downstairs. Blake stands up off the floor and makes his way over to my chair by my desk. Blake takes a seat with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Oh I see how it is." He says and then starts making kissy faces.

"Please stop that and please get out of my house!" I whisper-yell not wanting Ash to hear me.

Blake's smile widens. "Oh Ashie poo!" Blake yells and I hear something fall downstairs followed by the sound of footsteps rushing upstairs. I jump out of my bed and make my way over to Blake. I grab him by the shirt and pull him to the window.

"Okay you can either climb out or be pushed but either way it's going to end with you and your butt out my house." I say. The sound of my door opening grabs my attention and their stands Ash in all his half-naked glory. He looks in between Blake and I with a confused look.

I cross my arms over my chest. "Can you please tell your friend to get THE F*CK OUT MY HOUSE!" I yell the last part.

"Why is he even here?" Ash asks me confused as if he were connecting pieces of a puzzle.

"I don't know, his your friend." I reply.

"But this is your house." Ash retorts. I shrug and we both turn our attention to Blake.

"Hey." Blake waves with a grin on his face. "So what's going on here?" He says, pointing between me and a shirtless Ash while wriggling his eyebrows.

"GET OUT!" Ash and I yell simultaneously.

"Okay okay." Blake says while holding his hands up in surrender and slowly backing out the door. Blake walks out the door and I sigh with relief.

"What was that a..." Ash asks but is cut off.

"One more thing." Blake says putting his head through the doorway.

"OUT!" I yell while I pick up a pillow off my bed and throw it at his head but he ducks out before it hits him.

Ash tries to speak but I shush him by putting my finger in the air. I wait and listen. Only until I hear the door close do I put my finger down and sigh once again.

"Okay let's try this again." Ash says while rubbing the crease between his eyebrows. "What was that about and why was he in your room with you?"

"Like I said, ask him." I shrug and Ash glares at me. "I'm serious I don't know why he was here. I was just sleeping and boom I open my eyes and there he was lying next to me." I blurt out without thinking but I mentally face palm myself once I realise what I said. I should have most probably kept that part to myself at least I didn't tell him that I was basically cuddling with him.

The Girl Behind The Glasses (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora