Chapter 26

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*Unedited, First Draft*

I open the box and the first thing I am met with is an envelope. My name is written neatly and elegantly in calligraphy. I move my shaking hand and lift up the envelope slowly and delicately as if one faulty move could make it suddenly combust. I study the envelope and turn it over. I delicately open it and remove the letter within.

Dear Jade

If you are reading this letter, the good thing is that it is your eighteenth birthday but the bad news is that something has happened to us. We left this box in the hands of someone we trust and hopefully she might help you out in the future.

In the box, you will find information we have gathered over the years. This information may help you with the trouble you may be in for being the heir to The Agency and the fact that you are our daughter. There are many people out there that would want your head for the things we have done.

Don't trust anyone, you never know who you can trust. And Don't under any circumstances trust Aunt Shay. She cannot be trusted.

Darling we are so sorry that we have left you. We want to let you know that we love you and we would have done everything to keep you and your brother safe even if it meant giving up our own lives. You two were our everything.

We are so sorry that you were born into a world of secrets, agents and violence; we are so sorry that you will never grow up to be a normal teenager. We are so sorry that we will never get to see you grow up into the wonderful women we know that you will grow up to be.

All we ask of you is to keep your brother safe as well as stay out of danger yourself. If you are anything like us, you are most probably going attract a lot trouble.

Happy birthday honey. I love you with all my heart and please be careful. I just know that you are going to be a wonderful women and boss to The Agency. I wish I could be there for you first crush, your first boyfriend and your first heartbreak. I would have helped you wreck his car and your father would have most probably gotten his gun out and scared the hell out of him. There is so much I wish I could have seen, but that is not what fate had in mind for us. I wish I could have seen you graduate, get married and have children of your own. I love you so much honey and no matter what, I will always love you. – XX Mom.

Happy birthday my little rose. I wish I could spend this special day with you but life doesn't always turn out as planned. No matter what happens never forget that I love you and that no one can hurt you, you will always be protected my little rose, always, no one will touch you without getting hurt. I love you so much. – Dad.


Mom & Dad

I feel my cheeks dampen with tears, my body is shacking and my vision is blurry with tears. I miss them so much. I wish they could be here with me. I wish they could have seen me grow up. No, I wish they could have seen 'US' grow up. What ever happened to you Sam? I wish you could be here with me. I wish I could see you. I wish we could be a family again. I wish I knew if Jayden was speaking the truth that day. Are you really alive, somewhere out there? There is so much I wish could happen but wishes don't always come true.

Why on earth can't I trust Aunt Shay? She was the only one there for me after the incident. And if she can't be trusted why was she assigned to look after me and why was she put in charge of The Agency? If they didn't trust her why was she around for so much of my childhood. If they didn't trust her couldn't they have put precautions in place so that she wouldn't be in charge. This is all too confusing.

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