six (edited)

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"I'm sorry about the shitty date thing" Dylan said suddenly. "It's not really how I pictured my first date. Not that I had, like, a perfect vision of what should happen or anything, but I was kind of thinking something more romantic. Like, not that this isn't romantic or anything, but-"

Astrid's laugh interrupted him.

"Really" she said, grinning. "This is the best date. Ever"

Hearing that from Astrid made him smile. They were both seated on the floor, the empty pizza box lying in between them. He sat leaning against the end of his bed and she sat beside him. A tiny night light in the corner of the room was the only thing illuminating the space. He couldn't stop staring at her hair in the blue lighting.


"Yes, really" she said.

One of their comfortable silences fell, both deep in thought of what to see and what to do and what the fuck do I do on a first date. He looked up at the glow-in-the-dark stars he had installed on his ceiling.

"Is that the only jumper you have?" She asked randomly, crossing her outstretched legs.

He turned his attention back down to her. "What?"

"Every time I see you, you're in the same jumper" she said. "Why?"

He chuckled like it was an inside joke she wouldn't understand. "I have two of the same jumper"

"What's the point in that?" She asked, crossing her arms.

He shrugged. "I just really like the jumper. Everyone has a duplicate of something. What's yours?"

"I guess yours isn't that bad then. I've got five of the same band shirt" she grinned, pointing at the 'Moon Punk' shirt she was wearing.

Dylan raised his eyebrows. "A supportive fan, huh?"

She looked down at her crossed arms. "I've never been to a concert, actually"

Dylan raised an eyebrow. "Not even a wiggles concert?" Dylan pressed.

Astrid giggled, shaking her head. "No, not even Wiggles. Lame, right?"

"Cute. I've got to take you one day" he said with newfound determination.

"To a Wiggles concert?" She asked, amused.

", a proper concert. But if you want to go to a wiggles concert, that's fine by me" he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I think a Moon Punk concert sounds just a tiny bit better" she said.

He smiled.

Suddenly, someone knocked - quite harshly - on the door. Dylan recognized who it was by the sound as he sighed when he heard the noise. Astrid watched.

"What do you want?" Dylan called, a little annoyed.

"Can I grab some paper? The study's run out and I need to print something" a muffled voice stated, and Astrid vaguely recognized it as Minho's voice.

Dylan sighed. Before he could do anything, however, the door abruptly opened and Minho's head peeped out, styled as high as Dylan had ever seen a boy's hair go. Then his body followed after.

"Holy shit!" Astrid squeaked, immediately squeezing her eyes shut and hiding her face in her hands. "Do people not wear clothes in this house?"

Dylan simply sighed and looked up to avoid looking at the disturbance. After living with Minho for so long, he had gotten used to it. Almost.

"Can you just...can..okay just grab your paper and go?" Dylan pleaded, defeated.

Minho held his hands up in surrender, as if he didn't know what was going on, and reached towards a shelf that was behind the open door. Astrid didn't dare to look up as she heard shuffling of paper, a mumbled 'thanks' and then the slamming of the door.

"He's gone now"

Astrid lowered her hands to reveal a shocked expression and flushed cheeks. She tucked some stray hairs behind her ear. Dylan observed her zoning-out, staring with hazy eyes at some random point in his room.

"Are you okay?" He asked, waving his hand in front of her to wake her up.

She blinked, her eyes flittering to him. "I'm...I'm..just...I shouldn't say anything..."

"Say what?" Dylan asked, amused.

"Um..oh wow..uh...have you..seen how..seen how long that...thing..that thing is?"

He held in a chuckle. "What thing?"

"MINHO'S THING!" she blurted

He erupted into a fit of laughter, tilting his head back. She flushed, hiding her face in her hands in embarrassment. 

"Wow.." Dylan said, grinning amusedly. "You''re observant"

"Shut up!" She whined, embarrassed. "At least my friends know what clothes are"

Suddenly, a tune began playing from her bag that sat beside her. She dug through it, feeling for her phone, and then pulled it out, standing up and turning to face the wall for privacy.

"Hello?" She answered.

There was agonizing silence. Dylan knew something was wrong when she saw her shoulders sag and her nervous pacing. What it her sister? Maybe she had missed something important? Maybe this date wasn't a good idea after al-

"No, that's fine. I'll..I'll be there straight away. Okay, thanks so much. Bye"

Her voice was trembling when she ended the call, and she turned back around. Her face was almost pale and her lips were parted. Something was wrong.

"Is everything okay?" Dylan asked.

She seemed to be somewhere else, staring with wide eyes at nothing in particular. She spoke quietly. "Uh...she's...I..I have to go" Then, like she just woke up from a trance, she frantically picked up her bag and started packing her things. "I've gotta go. I have to go"

Dylan stood, worried by her sudden urge to leave. For a moment he thought it was his fault, not providing a good enough date and therefore causing her to make up an excuse to leave. But the phone call was real, the frantic actions and pale face was real, so something really was wrong.

"Do you want me to drive you?" he offered. She slipped on her shoes, throwing her phone in her bag. "No, no. It's fine. I mean, we didn't drink anything so I won't get caught for driving and I'll just drive through as many back streets as I can so I don't get caught speeding but the main road is faster so I'll just have to slow down but I have to go as quick as I can so-"

He firmly placed his hands on her shoulders, causing her to stop her rambling and look up at his worried eyes. He didn't know what it was before, but his favourite colour now was the colour of her eyes.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" he asked.

She nodded, pursing her lips, but ignored his first question. 

He nodded too, a little confused as to what was happening. He took the opportunity to take her hand in his, intertwining their fingers. Astrid relaxed a little at the small gesture and smiled at him. Silently, like they always did when one of them had to leave, he led them down the stairs. He was thankful to see that Thomas nor Minho was in sight. When they arrived at the front door, she let go of his hand to double check her bag. His heart sunk a little.

"Thanks, for the pizza" she said, clutching her bag strap tightly. "Thanks for everything"

He nodded. "I''ll call you?"

She grinned. Then, she clasped her hands behind his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. He didn't protest. His hands rested lightly on her waist. Her lips tasted pepper-minty like he remembered. Quicker than he would've liked, she pulled away and unlocked the door.

"I'll see you later, Hobbit Boy" she said.

And she turned and left.

Finding You || Dylan O'BrienTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang