thirty four (edited)

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He had no idea what he was doing. It was an idea that struck you as brilliantly amazing, but once you began to carry it out, you realised how horrible it was. It was one of those, except by the time he knew it was a shit idea, he was already outside her apartment door, twisting a rose in his hands.

What was he supposed to say? That he just thought this would be a good idea? She might not even be at home. She could be out with her friends for all he knew.

The door swung open and he jumped.

She looked up at him in confusion, her lips parted. She wasn't even dressed up or anything. Band shirt, jeans, boots and a bag. Is that what she wore when she went out?

"What are you doing here?" she asked, closing the door behind her.

"Uh...well," he stammered. Panicked, he thrust the rose into her face. "This is for you."

She glanced at the rose and then back up at him. "Thanks."

"Happy, um, Birthday." he said bashfully, avoiding her eyes. His cheeks were very warm and he wanted more than anything to just disappear, or travel back in time to stop himself from ever coming here in the first place.

He felt hands slide over his shoulders and a body pressing closer to his. Much to his luck, Astrid was hugging him. He hugged her back, thankful for a place to hide his face for a moment.

"I was just heading out to get some hairdye." she said quickly, pulling away. "And I'm not supposed to be here anyway."

"Why?" he asked.

"The piping above me broke or something, so they have to fix it. I'm staying at my dad's for the moment." she explained.

"The shops are pretty far" he said, feeling another irrational decision coming along. "I you? Since you don't have your car back?"

She nodded slowly."Yeah, that would be great, actually. Thanks."

The two of them awkwardly shuffled to the staircase and made their way down to his car. As he drove off, she changed the radio station. Something loud came on, and Dylan was just about to protest when he glanced over at her to see her smiling. She looked at him.

"Any preferences?"

He grinned, shaking his head. "You can decide this time."


"These are exactly the same colour." Dylan said, comparing two boxes of hairdye.

She giggled. "One's slightly darker. And that isn't the colour I want anyway."

She crouched down to the bottom shelf of the hairdye section, reaching her hand out to grab the box at the very back. He replaced the boxes and watched as she rummaged around a bit, trying not to knock any other boxes over in the process. Finally, she rose back up, carrying a box with her. It was the same colour as the auburn tips she used to have.

"I missed that colour on you." he said before he could control himself.

She smiled fondly. "Me too."

After she paid, they both sat on a bench outside. Neither of them spoke, the plastic bag she held shivering in the wind. Half the time Dylan thought she was going to pull out a cigarette, or some pills or something. But she didn't. The dark circles under her eyes had started to disappear.

"How's Minho?" she asked, finally breaking the silence.

"He hasn't changed much since you last saw him." 

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