twenty-one (edited)

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"He is so fucking clingy." Minho groaned, falling onto the sofa.

Dylan looked up from his phone. He had spent the last half hour informing Astrid of what had just happened via text. He was angry and needed to talk, though he knew Minho wouldn't want to talk about anything else other than his video game. Only that morning had Thomas made his surprise visit, and now Dylan wondered what else was wrong with Minho.

"Who's clingy?"

Minho rolled over and sat up, grabbing his controller. "Thomas. He just called me."

"What for?" Dylan frowned. 

"Some party. It's tomorrow night, at his house again. He says it's some way for us to 'connect'."

Dylan frowned. "He's a douchebag."

"Come with me. I can't drive back home." He said, pressing the controller. "You can invite Astrid and have hot sex in the car afterwards."

"Sounded great until the hot sex." Dylan said, eyebrow raised.

Minho scoffed, the sound of bullets hitting metal echoing through the house. "Just remember the condom."


Dylan tried not to glare so much at Thomas, who had opened the door for them.

"You came." Thomas said, looking hopeful.

Dylan hated him. The way he spoke. The way he walked. The way he had decided to just 'get back together' with Minho without giving him some time after what he had done. He could feel Astrid desperately tugging his hand, noticing how angry he was. He nodded curtly.

"Thanks." he said coldly. He nudged pass him.

The party was as vibrant as it had always been. Pitch black, neon lights, pounding music, loud voices and alcohol. Dylan shuffled through the intense heat, stumbling over people's misplaced limbs. He had no idea where he was going. His stomach was knotted, bubbling. He didn't even know why he was here. He felt the need to protect Minho, though his friend probably had that sorted. 

Suddenly, the hand on his pulled him back when they were halfway across the dance floor. He turned. Astrid went on her toes and whispered in his ear so he could hear her. She had willingly volunteered to accompany him, claiming that he was going to do something 'wild' is she wasn't with him.

"You need to relax." she said.

He shook his head stubbornly.

"I'll get you a drink." she said quickly. "Please? Just one."

He sighed. A few people had started to migrate towards them. He grabbed her hands.


"It's Thomas' party." she said, her lips stretching into a grin. "Let's steal all his tequila."

She slowly left him, his arm outstretched as her hand slowly slipped from his. She disappeared into the darkness. His mind reeled with a flurry of thoughts. With his hands in his jean pockets, he shouldered his way out of the dance floor and went into the kitchen. They were "fashionably late" this time, and a few people had already marked the kitchen as their territory. A group of people dressed in black occupied the kitchen island. The dining table was seated with smokers, their cigarettes creating a pale cloud above them. He almost turned away, though something caught his eye.

In the corner. A few empty beer bottles. A tub of half eaten ice cream. Minho curled in a ball.

He walked over and sat down next to his friend. Minho looked up from his sticky, ice-cream covered spoon. His eyes were dark, Dylan noticed.

Finding You || Dylan O'BrienNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ