twenty-six (edited)

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He woke up with the sun on his face. He placed a hand on his eyes to block the harsh light and rolled away, only to be met with something that felt like silk threads against his cheek and smelt of strawberries. Confused, he blinked his eyes open.

Hair trailed down the pillow like a golden river. Beside him, she lay still, her back towards him. He shifted a little and felt a breeze against his leg. That was odd, seeing as he would usually be in his Spider-Man pyjamas, but now he was only wearing his under -

A giant, unstoppable grin crept onto his face. Astrid's back was towards him, and he could see the rising and falling of her body. Of course, there was no reason for him to be basking in their glory alone. He gently wiggled his toes against her leg. She shifted, rolled over and one eye opened groggily. Swifter than ever, he wrapped her around the waist and hoisted her close, his hand crawling up the material of her burrowed superman shirt.

"Hello." he said, rubbing his hand up and down her bare back.

She smiled. "I could get used to this."

They kissed messily, a tangle of limbs and white sheets. He felt happy all over, constantly grinning and laughing at the sight of this beautiful - half naked - girl in bed with him. You would've thought he had just won the lottery.

She pulled away before anything else could happen. "We need to get out of bed. I promised Bonnie I would visit today."

He kissed her chin. "We should get Minho to visit her. Pure bliss."

"Minho isn't open until midday." she said, brushing his hair with her fingers.

"Alright then." he sighed, sitting up. "Where are my jeans?"

"They're in the same place you threw them last night." she said, yawning and stretching.

He smirked. "You threw them there, not me."

"Only you're strong enough to throw them onto the top of your closet"

They both got ready at an alarmingly slow pace. Clothes had to be located, the bed had to be made and they had to be quiet whilst Minho caught up with his 'beauty sleep'. About an hour later, Dylan was waiting for Astrid outside, arms folded and leaning against his car.

She shut the door behind her. He opened the passenger door and grinned when he received a long, passionate kiss. Before she could enter, he pulled her back and kissed her on the nose, grinning.

"I like you times infinity." he said.

Her smile softened as her hand intertwined with his. "I love you."


They walked hand in hand into the hospital. Bonnie had relocated elsewhere, so the two travelled in lifts - where many kisses were sneaked - to the fifth floor. Their hands swung back and forth as they walked down to the end of the hallway. With a quick glance at the card the reception lady had given Astrid, Dylan pushed open the door with a golden plaque reading 'ROOM 250'.

"So the lovebirds decided to show up." Bonnie's familiar, raspy voice said. 

Astrid smiled. "Hey, Bon. What's going on?"

"Other than the fact that I am dying, nothing much"

"Bonnie." Astrid repeated sternly.

"I'm fine." Bonnie exasperated. "Totally fine."

Astrid let go of Dylan's hand and went to do the usual. Fiddling with the tubes, checking the machines, half of which Dylan didn't understand. He sat down on a chair, suddenly finding himself locked in a silent staring contest with Bonnie's ghostly eyes. He was the first to blink, resulting in a small smile from her. But it immediately went away when Astrid started to ask questions. 

"What did the doctor's say?"

Bonnie shrugged, fiddling her thumbs. "I don't know. Something about Lunesta."

"There are lots of things to do with Lunesta."

"I'm not a medical student okay? I'm dying. End of story."

Astrid crossed her arms. "You are not dying. You're alive and well and you need to stop saying that."

"Stop trying to convince yourself." Bonnie said quietly. "Everyone dies at some point. I'm just going to die a little earlier, that's all."

"No." Astrid's voice began to shake. "Stop it. Please. You know it's too close to..."

They both looked down. Astrid gulped. Dylan remained silent and observant.

"It's too close to it. You know that dad-"

"I am extremely aware of Dad, and he, unlike you, knows that I will die soon and there is nothing you can do about it." 

"You're going to be fine." Astrid said through gritted teeth. "And-and you're going to come home and sleep in your bedroom and mum..."

Tears rolled down Astrid's face. She turned and stormed through the door, slamming it behind her. Dylan stood and looked through the window, watching her disappear around the corner. Suddenly, from behind him came a quiet squeak. 

Bonnie had her face in her hands, sobbing. 

Dylan lifted himself onto the bed and sat next to her, placing his hand on her back. He shivered when he felt every single ridge of her spine. 

"It's okay. She'll come back." Dylan reassured.

She shook her head. "No, she won't. I'm an idiot." 

"Everyone does stupid things. You wouldn't believe half of the things your sister does around the house." he said. 

"Like you wouldn't believe." Bonnie mumbled. 

"It's not your fault. Your sister's worried about you. That's all." he said, noticing Astrid outside again. 

She came in, black smudged across her eyes. She glanced at both of them before sitting on a chair and pulling out the Harry Potter book from her bag. It became apparent that they had read more since the last time Dylan visited. 

Astrid's voice washed around the room again, but it was like an old, scratchy record this time. Dylan wondered how a day could've started so perfectly and ended so utterly wrong. 

As the chapter came to a close, he noticed Bonnie's hand resting on top of the tube. 

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