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After school, Shawn and I walked with Corey to his house and Topanga came earlier.

We were going over what we wrote down for our "future" and were going over them.

"Alright so Liah wroteee", Panga said as she held up my paper."My future husband does'nt have to look like Mark Walberg-"

"It helps", I shrugged.

"But he has to cook sometimes, play Call of Duty with me, play street hockey, basketball, baseball and spray paint stuff on the side of the school with me?", Topanga read.

Right then, both Corey and her raised an eyebrow at me and I raised one back.

"What?", I laughed.

"Why don't you just marry Shawn?", Panga waved her hand at him.

I slowly turned around to Shawn and we narrowed our eyes at each other.

After that I turned back around her and raised my eyebrows again.

"Cause our kids would look like horses", I nodded.

Shawn then rolled his eyes and threw his arm around me and it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Ohhh come on Liah-if we had kids you know they'd be good lookin", he nodded.

"Oh? And what do I have to compare our imaginary, not gunna happen kids to?", I raised my eyes and leaned on my hand as I turned to him.

"Your lookin at him babe", he smirked and pointed to himself.

"Yeahhh ok", I nodded.

"Let's see", he sighed."I can see us havinnggg...I think two boys and a girl...and I'll name them Ryker and Vincent."

"And what about the girl?", I said.

"I'll leave that up to you", he shrugged.

~Skinny Love~ Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now