Converging Energies

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One morning, I got up to go to school, and my dad was standing there in the kitchen glaring me down.

"Uh h-hi Dad", I stuttered then tried to go passed him but he blocked me.

"What's this?", he said as he stepped closer and held up Shawn's jacket that he gave me.

"It's mine", I shrugged.

"Yeah?...Well I don't remember you havin a jacket that had the initials "S.H." in the collar", he growled in my face and I flinched.

I gulped then tapped my foot twice on the floor, then a couple seconds later, I heard Caleb close his door and lock it-letting me know he had gotten the signal.

Cause I knew something was going to happen.

"H-He gave it to me", I shrugged."So it's mine-it's no big deal."

"Your wronG IT'S  A VERY BIG DEAL!!", he yelled in my face as he grabbed my throat and pinned me against the wall behind.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry!!", I wheezed and grabbed at his hand.

"Was he in my house?", he said and I could'nt answer so he tightened his grip."WAS HE IN MY HOUSE!?!?"

"No!! No-he was'nt!!", I wheezed out then coughed and he dropped me to the floor.

"You better not be lying", he gritted as he grabbed my wrist and I flinched again.

"I'm not!", I said and my voice cracked because I was on the verge of bawling.

"Cause I will find out", he nodded then he let my wrist go as someone knocked on the door.

"Tony!! Come on man-were gunna be late!!", I heard my dad's friend Robert call from outside.

He glared down at me one more time before he kicked me in my stomach and I hunched over hyperventilating.

After that he walked out, and I could hear him tell Robert some excuse about how he was getting Caleb and I ready for school.

~Skinny Love~ Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now