Please Never Leave

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After school that day, Shawn, Caleb and I all walked home.

As we walked up, I saw my Dad wasn't home from work yet, so Caleb and I were safe for now.

"Gotta go", I sighed and turned to Shawn."Gotta get started on dinner before my old man gets home."

"Yeah me too-got stuff to do around the house", he nodded."Hey you wanna go to Corey's with me later? Play some street hockey like last Friday?"

"Wish I could, but I can't", I shrugged.

"Alright, see ya tomorrow", he nodded then started walking towards his trailer."Later RugRat."

"Bye Future Convict", Caleb called back as we walked inside and I heard Shawn laugh.


Later that night, after dinner, I put Caleb to bed then climbed up on my roof and laid back watching the stars.

My dad wasn't coming home that night.

And I knew that because here it was at 2 a.m. and he's usually home by 11.

He does this sometimes-but it's not like I mind.

As I was laying back on the blanket I laid down, a rock flew over and landed a few feet from me.

I sat up, then looked around and saw no one, so I went to lay back down and heard a whistle.

So I looked around again, then saw Shawn out on his roof a couple doors down from me doin the exact same thing.

"Steele!! Over here!!", he whispered yelled.

"What do you want Hunter?!", I whisper yelled back.

"Ya hungry?", he said and held up a pizza box.

"Of course I'm hungry-what in the hell kinda question is that?", I scoffed."Come on."

"No you come over here", he pointed down.

"No you come here", I said and waved my hand around.

"Ugh, fine", he groaned and I smiled.

~Skinny Love~ Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now