My Work Here Is Done

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Later at lunch that day, I walked in with the boys then went over with Corey and got a bag of chips from the vending machine with him.

"I mean, I don't see what he sees in her. She's too short, she's ugly, and she not even worth liking", I heard someone say."Shawn is hot, she's...not."

I looked up ahead of me and saw Stephanie and her snob of a friend ahead of us then glared at them.

It's like they could feel my glare because they stopped whatever else they were about to say and turned around to look me up and down.

"Well, what do ya know?", I said as I crossed my arms over my chest."You guys are like chirp all fuckin day-and the second I walk by you shut the hell up."

Of course, she did'nt have anything to say to this, so she just gave me a pissed off look and cocked her head.

"Next time you got something to say-you better say it to my face", I nodded, then shoulder checked the both of them as I walked in between them and back to our table.

"They still bothering you babe?", Shawn said as he threw his arm around me.

"It's whatever", I shrugged then shrugged him off.

"If you say so", he sighed.

I stared at the table for a few more seconds before I sighed.

"Am I short?", I said and he looked at me.

"Yes", he nodded and turned back to his food.

"Is that bad?", I raised an eyebrow.

"No!", he laughed, then put his arm on my head."Your the perfect arm rest."

"Hunter", I growled annoyed and pushed his arm away.

"I'm kiddin baby-no your not too short", he shook his head and threw his arm around me.

A couple seconds later, Corey came back to the table and started messing with his hair as he looked at his reflection in the fork.

"What do you guys think of my hair?", he asked then Shawn and I looked up at him.

"Guys don't ask guys that question", Shawn shook his head.

"Would this qualify as I Brillo head?", Corey asked.

"Nah", I shrugged then started messing with it."More like a Nerf head."

"You guys knew this and you did'nt tell me!?", Corey said.

"You got curly hair-so what?", Shawn shrugged.

"Can we move on now?", I said, then went back to eating.

"Sure, it's easy for you guys to talk-you got hair-I'm a chia pet", Corey said waving his hand at his head.

"Corey", Topanga said as she came up and we all turned to her." I got Jedadiah to drive me to your house after school."

I stopped paying attention after that, then smirked and leaned over on Shawn's shoulder staring up at him like he does with me.

"What do you want?", he said all high and curious and raised an eyebrow.

"Hunter? Mr. Hunter? As your Future wife can I have a chicken nugget?", I smiled all big.

He then gasped and said "No".

"Pllleaaasseeeee?", I said and batted my eyelashes.

"Ya gotta kiss me for it", he smirked and waved it in front of my face.

When I went to grab it, he ripped it back then went to kiss me but I held my hand up.

"Dammit", he said and sighed then handed me my chicken nugget anyway.

I took it then smiled and kissed his cheek before sitting back in my seat.

"There-happy?", I smirked then took a bite .

I watched as his reaction went from pissed off to completely and utterly blushing to the max.

"My work here is done", I sighed and nodded.

~Skinny Love~ Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now