Switch Me

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One morning I got up to dye my hair red again because I promised Shawn I would.

After a couple hours, I was done and was back to being a red head.

"IIII love it", I nodded to myself in the mirror, then opened the door and walked out.

As soon as I did though, someone punched me across the face and I fell to the floor.

My right eye was now throbbing, but I looked up through blurry vision to see my dad standing there.

"Ahhh your back to your whore red", he nodded then turned around and walked away.

I crawled backwards towards my room then closed the door and locked while I was still on the floor.

Groaning as I leaned on the wall to stand up, I regained my balance and saw Caleb sitting on my bed with all his stuff.

"Sissy?", he whimpered scared.

"I'm ok baby", I nodded."You ok?"

"Mmmhmm", he nodded back."And I got all my stuffs."

"You got all your stuffs huh?", I laughed and he giggled.

"Shawnie taught me that", he said.

"How did I know", I rolled my eyes but regretted it cause my eye hurt.

After that, I opened my back window then got out and flung my bag over my shoulder.

"Alright babe, come on", I said then Caleb climbed out of the window and I set him down.

"What about Shawnie?", he whispered up to me.

"I don't want him to see me like this baby", I shook my head."Well see him at school alright?"

"Ok", he nodded sadly.

"Come on RugRat", I sighed then picked him up and carried him all the way to school.

When we got there, I took him to his class.

~Skinny Love~ Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now