"Well, come on then. It won't take long, my house is just down the block." Bryce got up from his spot on the couch and followed Tyler to his house.

Outside, the wind was picking up a little bit. Bryce didn't bring a jacket, but he sure as hell wished he did. Tyler noticed Bryce shivering out of the corner of his eye. "You cold? Actually, scratch that, you're definitely cold. When we get to my house I'll hand you one of my jackets, okay?"

Bryce almost nodded instantly. Tyler chuckled and stopped in front of a house (presumably his house). Tyler grabbed the doorknob and looked at Bryce, looking worried suddenly. "You're not allergic to dogs, are you?" Bryce shook his head. Tyler sighed with relief, "Oh thank god. Because Kino is one big dog who loves everybody." He proceeded to open the door.

As soon as he did, Bryce heard a howl, followed with nails quickly scraping against tile. A Dalmatian came running towards them and practically jumped onto Tyler. "Kino! Get down," Tyler laughed, trying to avoid all the licks Kino was giving him. Kino got down and then stood in front of Bryce, wagging his tail wildly. Bryce smiled and pet the dog, who then tried to lick his face. Bryce giggled and pushed Kino's face away, but continued petting him. Kino was now calmed down at this point, as his tail wagging slowed down.

"Bryce, catch!" Bryce looked up and barely caught the jacket that was thrown at him. It almost scared Bryce, hearing Tyler's voice. One second Tyler was next to Bryce and the next he was across the room.

The jacket Tyler had thrown at him was way too big for him (Tyler was practically a giant; all of his clothing would be too big for Bryce. Bryce began to wonder how it would look on Evan). He slipped it on. If he tried, he could probably fit his entire body in the jacket with some extra room. Tyler chuckled at the sight, almost cooing at how cute Bryce looked.

Instead, he called his dog over and put the leash on him. Kino pulled at the leash excitedly and barked, desperately wanting to go for a walk. "Calm down Kino, we're only going to Evan's house." Kino stopped trying to walk forward and looked back at Tyler, his tail wagging at full speed. Tyler pet him before walking back to the front door. He looked up and frowned. "Looks like we're getting a storm today. We better hurry before It starts raining." Bryce nodded and hurried out with Tyler.

Once they were outside, Bryce felt the wind blowing against his face harshly, followed by a raindrop on his head. A crack of thunder was heard, and then the rain really started. "Shit! Come on Bryce, let's go!" Tyler grabbed Bryce's hand and began running. Bryce almost couldn't keep up with Tyler, but with Tyler's grip, he stayed right behind him.

They made it to Evan's house soon, but they were kind of soaked. Tyler made it inside, undoing Kino's leash with one hand while the other was still holding on to Bryce's hand. Bryce didn't know why Tyler was still holding his hand, but he kind of liked it for some reason.

Once the leash was off of Kino, the dog bolted to the hallway, running into one of the rooms. A loud laugh was heard, which Bryce recognized as Evan's. Tyler pulled Bryce to what looked to be Evan's room.

The room was filled with lots of hockey posters and other items pertaining to the sport. Evan was sitting on his bed, petting Kino. He looked up and laughed a little. "I guess the rain got you guys, huh?" Tyler just rolled his eyes. Evan finally looked at Bryce, and his smile widened. "Aww, Tyler, you lent Bryce your jacket? He looks so cute like that," he cooed. Bryce blushed and unknowingly squeezed Tyler's hand harder. He only realized it when Tyler squeezed back. Bryce didn't know if he did it on purpose or not, but either way he was blushing even more now.

"Alright!" Tyler yelled, causing Bryce to jump. Evan just rolled his eyes and looked up at Tyler, waiting for what he was going to say. "I'm getting hungry. What do you have, Evan?" Evan rolled his eyes again and got up. He squeezed between Bryce and Tyler to get through the door, which caused the two to let go of each other's hand. Bryce's hand felt cold now. He shoved it into the jacket pocket and followed Evan and Tyler into the kitchen.

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