Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty [Rewritten]

Start from the beginning

"Where did it go?! It's gone! Gone! Gone!" Usopp cried as he frantically ran around the deck in a panic.

"When was the last time any of us saw it? It couldn't have been missing for too long" I said.

"What's wrong, Robin?" Franky asked when the woman suddenly gasped and rushed over to the ship's railing.

"That's absurd" Robin muttered.

"Huh? Is there something over there I'm not seeing?" Usopp frowned as he looked through a pair of binoculars. "There it is! I see the flag!" he shouted.

"Where is it?" Franky asked.

"It looks like some weird bird-fish thing got a hold of it" Usopp answered.

"I thought so" Robin said. "Those same people we've been dealing with are the ones who stole it—I saw the little one commanding that bird-fish before we got out of there" she admitted, referring to the little girl that had been when the people that we had encountered back on the iceberg.

"It's taking the flag right back to the iceberg!" Usopp shouted as his eyes popped right out of the binoculars in surprise.

"Dammit!" Sanji cursed as he quickly rushed towards the steering wheel.

"Hey, Sanji!" Nami called out to the blond.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" Franky frowned the minute he saw that the man was starting to turn the ship around.

"Is it that tough to figure out? I'm getting our flag back!" Sanji huffed.

"I'm not in the mood for jokes! We barely made it out of that place!" Franky snapped.

"Calm down and think, Sanji" Nami said. "We don't even know where Luffy and Chopper are" she reminded him.

"Same with Zoro" I said. "We can't afford to do anything rash when our crew is split up like this" I pointed out.

"Right, the best thing to do right now is stay put until we can regroup" Nami agreed.

"I'm sorry, but we can't afford to sit still" Sanji said. "A pirate flag is more important than a pirate's life and there is no greater shame then allowing it to be stolen" he frowned.

"I get that, but don't you think we should find our captain before we—"

"You're not listening to me, dammit!" Sanji snapped, cutting Usopp off before he could say anything else. "Think, you guys, do you want to be the one to tell the captain we lost the flag?" he asked.

"No! Keep steering!" Nami begged.

"There's no way I'm telling him!" Usopp cried out.

"I absolutely refuse to be scolded by that idiot!" the two snapped as they burst out into a fiery rage.

"Of course, that's the reason" I sweat dropped.

"That's the reason? Really?" Franky frowned as Robin laughed.

"Alright, let's do this!" Sanji huffed as the icebergs around us started to move and block our path once more. "Again?! Seriously?!" he growled.

"What is up with this ice?" Usopp questioned. "Why won't it stop moving?" he frowned.

"It doesn't look like we're going anywhere until we figure out what's making these icebergs act this way" Nami said. "Franky, you feel up to doing a little reconnaissance work with me?" she asked.

"Soldier Dock System: Channel Three" Sanji spun the wheel until it landed on the number three and pulled the lever which allowed Nami and Franky to use the Shark Submarine.

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