Chapter 34 Natural Abilities

Start from the beginning

"Some of our species have enate abilities. Compulsion, telekinesis, precognition, some abilities can be learned but not all. Those with natural abilities are usually stronger. Most still have to train to use them safely. Yours is one of those abilities."

"And Crow," he absently indicated the Vampire to his right, "how did you compulse him? Do you remember what you said, felt, did? Do you remember the tone of voice you used?"

I shook my head. I had vague memories but I had simply talked, ranting about my day, my problems, my future. There hadn't been anything different. I explained that to Angelov.

"Very well. Your tutor will be able to help you find your trigger and teach you how to use it properly."

"Use it?" I was horrified. Why would I want to learn to use it on purpose? "I don't want to use it. It's mind control. I don't want a puppet. It's wrong."

Marko cleared his throat. "As much as I agree with you; you don't have a choice. You learn how to use it properly or you'll use it instinctively. There are reasons why other Vampires try to learn it. You can make humans forget things they shouldn't have seen. You can get information someone isn't willing to give."

Angelov nodded at Marko then turned to me. "By learning to control the ability you also learn how not to use it by accident."

"I don't want to use it at all." I whispered to myself. I saw it as taking someone's free will. Then another thought occurred to me. "Can it be undone?"

"It can be man–" the yellow phone rang breaking off Angelov's explanation. "Take them home." He told our guardians while reaching for the phone. "Angelov." He answered, nodding his goodbye to us.

Marko and Crow ushered us from the room. But I caught a few words Angelov said in the phone.

"One new development; Ms. Stone has a talent for compulsion."

A small spark of anger sprang to life in me. I suspected the queen was on the other end of the line. She was our mother but not once has she spoken to us. She has never given us a message to be delivered by Angelov, Smith, or our guardians.

According to Angelov's story she loved us and feared for our lives. Where was that love now? Had it been real? Had it faded over the last sixteen years with us absent from her life?

I'm not sure I wanted to know. The illusion of a loving mother forced to give up her children to save their lives had more appeal then a queen tricked into a pregnancy she hadn't wanted. Both, or neither, could be true.

What did it say about me that I didn't stop in that hallway, turn and demand answers from Angelov and the person on the phone?

Over the next week I tried not to think about the queen. I tried not to think about my ability. I did think about protection. Angelov was right. I needed to be able to protect myself and Amy if the need arises.

I didn't know how I would learn what I needed. I couldn't get a human to teach me. I was inept by Vampire standards but a human would notice my balance, agility, even how fast I was. I didn't want to ask Crow or Marko. Slow and study were not in their vocabularies and that's what I needed to learn. Plus I was sick of being black and blue. That was another reason I needed to learn more.

It was days after the incident I remembered  I had heard of compulsion before. Amy had it used on her at her Aunt's wedding in Jamaica by some vampire we still didn't have a name for. We hadn't told Angelov about it. Amy didn't tell him that we had heard of it before. Maybe she thought I'd be in more trouble if they knew.

Monday at lunch Amy sat with a few friends from her Spanish class while Eric and I ate at the edge of the lunch room.

"You're really distracted." He took a large bite of his salad. He didn't put salad dressing on it, just salt, pepper and lemon juice.

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