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Hey guys! Thank y'all for being so patient with me! It's been a crazy few months but I want y'all to know I love y'all dearly and I wanna say thank you to everyone who is reading, has read, and will read this book. You guys are my family. To the many of you I have been talking to you in messages the last few weeks, I'm glad I got the chance to meet and get to know y'all. Now, for the news everyone is waiting for!!!

THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE SEQUEL IS UUUUUUUUPPPPPPPP!!!!!!! I'm so excited to be writing a sequel and I'm glad you guys liked this story enough to actually want a sequel! The sequel is called Fearless and it's on my account. If you can't find it, I will try and get a link posted to help out!


If any of you guys would like, feel free to follow me on Instagram and I'll happily follow back! My life is pretty boring for the most part but eh I'm on it more than anywhere else. Well, it and Tumblr of course.

TUMBLR|| RavenCerulli
INSTAGRAM|| GhostlyDemons
SNAPCHAT|| GhostlyDemons

I fucking love you guys!!!!🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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