Chapter 18

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Please don't hate me for that last chapter! 😱

*3.5 years later*

I smiled at the man that walked in the door, feeling my stress fade away. "Hey, Lilith." His strong Sheffield accent coming through. "Hi, Oli." I mimicked his accent, making him laugh. "You're a little shit, you know that?" He asked as he came around the counter where I was. I shrugged and giggled as he kissed my cheek. He was always so sweet. I understood why Alissa loved him so much. Their relationship always reminded me of Chris and I. I sighed at the thought and breathed in to keep the tears forming in my eyes from falling. I quickly blinked them away and plastered on a little smile as a customer came up to the counter, beaming at Oli. I smirked to myself, knowing a fan girl when I saw one. "Oh my god you're actually here!" She squeaked out and okie chuckled. "You're a fan I take it." He said with a genuine smile. She nodded excitedly and he and I both snickered as we shared a certain look. "Well, love." He said as he walked around the counter and leant down to her height. "Thank you for the support." He said before he kissed her cheek, earning an excited but extremely high pitched scream from her. I rung her up and she paid before oil handed her bags to her and smiled. "Have a nice day." He said and she nodded before running out the store. He turned to me as I laughed, darling a raised eyebrow from him. "What?" He asked as he rested his elbows on the counter. I smirked and shrugged. "You always have to fuck with the fan girls huh?" I teased. "If I remember correctly you were a fan girl when I met you." He said in a smooth voice as a smirk formed on his face and he winked. I giggled at him and how he always tried to flirt with me. We had a thing after he and Hannah but before he and Alissa but it was just a friend's with benefits thing. We both needed someone but didn't want a relationship at the time.

"Oi, a friend of mine just got out of prison a couple of days ago and he's coming to visit." Oli said and I nodded. "Why are you telling me?" I asked and he smiled. "You two just seem like you would get along." He said and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Oliver I swear to god if you're trying to play match maker, I'm going to burn this store down." I warned, being completely serious. He held his hands up in defense, smirking. "I'm just saying you would probably like him." He said and I groaned. Oli had tried to set me up with a lot of guys over the past 3 years. It was tiring really. The only man I wanted, I couldn't have right now. "I'm going on my lunch break." I announced to him, grabbing my bag and walking towards the door. "Alright, just be back within and hour and a half." He said and I nodded before walking out the store and heading down the street to my favorite diner. As I walked in, I went straight over to my booth I always sat in and pulled out my phone, earbuds, and the book I had currently been reading. The waitress brought me my usual cup of coffee and a lemonade. "Jake already has your food cooking. It should be out soon." She said and I smiled up at her. "Thanks, Mary." I said and she nodded with a smile before she went back to the counter. I put my earbuds in and listened to music as I read until my food came out 10 or so minutes later. I thanked Mary before I continued listening to music and reading as I ate and sipped my drinks. When I was finished, I left the money for my food on the table, as well as a tip before I put my stuff back in my bag and graded back to work.

"So, when is your friend going to be here?" I asked Oli as I sat my bag behind the counter and changed the pandora station, hearing Whore by In This Moment begin to play. I remembered Chris was in the music video to the song but I brushed it off, taking a deep breath. Over 3 years and I still couldn't stop thinking about him. "Sometime soon I think. His plane lands around 4." He said from his spot where he was organizing some shirts. I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me. "My phone dinged and I pulled it out of my bag, checking the text I had just gotten and sighing. "Fuck." I said under my breath. "Yo, Sykes!" I called across the store and he looked up at me. "Ty needs me at the parlor at 5 today. Is that alright? I know I was supposed to help you close at 6." I said and he chuckled. "It's fine, Lilith! What time do you have to go?" He asked and I thought about it for a moment. "Probably around 4:30 or so. I have to walk today." I said and he nodded. "That's right, I forgot Alissa drove you this morning." He said and I nodded. "Yea, that will be fine. Just let me know when you're heading out." He said and I nodded before I got back to work, going into the back and beginning to unpack our new shipment of clothing from the warehouse. When it hit 4:30, I went back out to the front and grabbed my bag, saying my goodbye to Oli on my way out, getting a wave from a few customers that came in a lot. I started my walk of a couple of blocks to my other job at the tattoo parlor, Ink & Needles. I walked in and Ty breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god you're here! Anna called in sick and we have been dying here!"

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