Chapter 35

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So my friend and I were being idiots and I am currently at the hospital waiting to get an x-ray but the doctor already said he's pretty sure I have at least 2 broke ribs. The whole left side of my torso is scraped and bruised all to hell and back already and it's only been like a half hour since it happened. I can barely move it hurts so much. Ethan's asshole self just keeps laughing. Homosexual prick -,- I'm gonna kick his ass when I feel better xD ~Riley

"What the fuck is this?" Chris asked as we reached our room, him slamming the door behind us. "What is what?" I asked, seriously confused. "What the fuck is THIS. US." He said and I gave him a weird look. "Uh, I'm your girlfriend, remember?" I asked and he huffed. "No, you're just an object fucking up my life and reputation." He said and I stared at him wide eyed. "What the hell are you talking about?" I shot back, stepping closer to him. He glared at me, his eyes piercing through my very soul and being. "You. You've fucked up my entire fucking life! Because of you, I got arrested! Because of you, I'm being accused of liking children!" He snapped and I frowned. "Woah, that wasn't my fault, Chris! Who the hell accused you of liking children?" I stepped closer to him and he growled at me. "Back the fuck up, Hayden. Don't touch me." He sneered, taking a step away from me. "This is all you. It's your fault." He grumbled as he faced me fully. "You were a fucking kid. My best friend and band mate's kid might I add. You got me kicked out of the band. You got me thrown in prison. You ruined me. You ruined my career. You ruined my whole fucking life. You're a piece of trash. You're just a toxic person." I felt my heart shattering at his words, pain and anger fueling my actions. I marched up to him and slapped him as hard as I could, clenching my teeth together. "Don't you ducking blame this on me. I love you. I've only loved you. You're being a fucking prick. I don't know what the fuck happened earlier but none of this was my fault. Know what, maybe whoever said that shit was right and that's why you're so fucking pissed off. It wasn't because of me. And yea, I was a child. Who's to say you didn't take advantage of my age and crush on you?" I shot at him. He grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against the wall, my head smashing against a pit hire hanging on the wall. I winced at the pain as I gripped his hand, his grip on my neck tightening as he held me off the ground, blocking my windpipe. I gasped for air as he glared at me, peering into my eyes. I shook with fear, never having seen this part of him before. This side, it was utterly terrifying. I felt a pain in my stomach before he dropped me to the floor, kicking my ribcage as making me let out s muffled scream of pain. He backed away from me as I looked up at him with tears in my eyes before he shook his head, the scowl still on his face. "Pathetic." He murmured before he left the room and moments later,  the front door slammed shut. I sat up carefully, the tears rolling freely down my cheeks as I muffled my sounds of pain each one I moved. I locked the bedroom door and pulled myself to the bed, crawling into it and burying my face in the pillows as I held my torso, muffling my sobs and screams with the pillows. Chris has never been this way before. He's never hurt me..

Yesterday, after I woke up, I washed my makeup off then kept myself locked in our room as I cried, curled up in bed most of the day. The only exception being when I went to the bathroom and soaked in hot water in the bathtub. Currently, I stood in front of the closet door, staring at my reflection, the bruises on my torso dark and swollen. There was one about the size of his fist on my stomach, the other on my right side of my ribcage in a weird shape but much larger than the other. I ran my fingers over them, wincing at the pain before I carefully slipped an oversized sweater on and a pair of ripped up tights, followed by a pair of combat boots the same maroon color as the sweater. I pulled my hair up into messy space buns before I went into the bathroom and did my makeup. When I finished, I looked myself over in the mirror and forced a smile before I put on my necklaces and bracelets, followed by some rings before leaving my room. I walked slowly, eventually making it to the living room. Dee was the first to see me, smiling. "Hey, the Zombie has arisen! Why didn't you leave your room yesterday?" She asked and I shrugged. "I was really tired and slept most of the day." I lied and everyone nodded, too focused on the tv to make conversation. Chris entered the living room with a bottle of beer in his hand and a stone cold look in his eyes as he spotted me. I felt myself begin to shake in fear as images of the other day flashed in my mind, my eyes filling with tears. He walked over to me before he grabbed my hand, dragging me forcibly into the living room and sitting on the couch, making me sit in his lap. His usual gentle grip around my waist was rather tight and caused me to squirm uncomfortably. He moved his arm up to my stomach and pulled my back against his chest, making me yelp in pain. Everyone looked over at us but looked away when Chris chuckled. "I pinched her." He lied, making me look down.

Thank fuck the nurse chick gave me medicine oh my lord I was dying 😂 anywhore, damn you Chris! You're an assholeeeee! Love you guyssss!!! Don't hate me for this please! Ahhhh!!!

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