Chapter 42

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Guys would you please head over to my profile and read my book 'I Never Knew'? It would mean a lot!!! Also I just started writing a book basically about my life and telling who I am and why I am the way I am so if you would like, feel free to read it. I'm sorry if its kind of everywhere but a lot of the things in my life and hard to talk about so writing it, my mind is really mixed up right now :/ anywhore, thank you all for the love and support you've shown and given me! I love you guys so much! I can't believe how many of you read this story it's just amazing thank you. Please, remember to vote, comment, and share! 💕 ~Ghost

*11 months later*

I made my way to the chapel doors, my stomach twisting with butterflies. I looked over at my dad as he held out his arm to me and I took it as Chris' little twin cousins entered the chapel, throwing the rose pedals down. Riley looked up at me with a wide smile before he followed them, the pillow with the rings on it in his hands. After him, my bridesmaids Grace and Patricia went before my maid of honor, Dee. Lastly, it was me and my dad. I glanced up at him and he looked down at me with a little smile. "I can't believe my little girl is about to get married." He said and I looked down with a smile. "I'll always be your little girl, dad." I said before we made our way into he chapel. As we entered, everyone stood and faced us, many gasps being heard as they all saw me. I was a smiling mess, a single tear of happiness spilling down my cheek as I saw the man at the end of the isle, standing respectfully at the alter in his tux, a huge grin on his face as he saw me. My dad and I made our way to the alter where Chris stepped down and took my hand after I kissed my dad's cheek and hugged him, the two of them sharing a hand shake and smiled before my dad took his place on the front pew next to Chris' little brother and his parents. I handed my bouquet to Dee as I stepped up to the alter with Chris. We went through the wedding, the smile never leaving either of our faces. I spoke my written vowels to him and he spoke his to me, my reaction a small smile and some tears of sadness at his words then happiness at the end of his vowels. We each said an 'I Do' before he put the ring on my finger and vise versa, us completing the ceremony with a kiss. After the ceremony ended, we headed to the court house and signed our marriage license and Chris signed to legally adopt Riley before we headed off to the reception where we had cake and dinner and did a lot of dancing and gift opening before we said our goodbyes to Riley and our 8 month old son, Blake Matthew Fronzak and my dad and Dee and Vinny before we said goodbye to Chris' parents and brother. After our goodbyes, we got into his car and headed to the airport, our bags in the trunk for our honeymoon in Costa Rica.

Skipping the flight cuz I'm lazy af.

As Chris set me down just inside of the beautiful beach house, I felt my heart stop at how beautiful it was. I took a look around the whole place while Chris took our bags into the bedroom before getting us each a glass of wine and starting a fire in the living room fire place. As I entered the living room, I smiled at the beautiful scene. The glasses of wine, the fire, the candles lit all around the room, the glass wall facing the ocean, it was all just beautiful. He came over to me and took my hands in his, the smile on his face never leaving. "I can't believe we did it." He said as he played with the ring on my finger. I smiled, looking up into his blue eyes. "To be honest I thought I would never get married." I said and his smile faded a little. "I promise you I'll never let him hurt you again, Victoria. You're my world and without you I'm nothing anymore." He said as he moved his hands up to cup my face. "I love you so much and I'm so happy you love me. You've become so much more important to me than anyone or anything else before. You've given me the opportunity to be a dad. Riley and Blake are both amazing kids and they're ours. You gave me a family." He said before I kissed him to shut him up, jumping and wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He moved his hands to my thighs to hold me up as he kissed me back, carrying me to the couch. He sat down, holding me in his lap as we pulled away from the kiss. I grabbed our glasses of wine and handed him one before looking into his eyes. "To love, marriage, family, and the future." I said and he smiled at me. Before we clinked our glasses together and I took a small sip as he took a normal one. I laid against his as we drank our wine and watched the fire, just enjoying each other's company. This man is my savior and I love him for that and so much more. When he found me, I was a broken mess but he never gave up on me and Riley. He helped us get past our history and look to our future. It takes a real man to take on someone else's kid and I found one, the only one for me. Christopher Fronzak.

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