Face down.

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This imagine was requested by BVB-rebel25 it's based off Face down by Red jumpsuit Apparatus. sorry this took so long I've been really stressed due to personal things and school.
⚠Warning: contains Strong language and physical abuse within a relationship.⚠

Cover up with makeup in the mirror, tell yourself it's never gonna happen again
My hands that held my beauty blender slowly blended out my foundation as tears pricked at my eyes. The deep purple, and blueish bruise was still slightly obvious but not super noticeable. It was only the first time this happened. Sure he got mad but never to this point, but I'm sure it was an accident.

Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground?
Ryan and I's conversation was cut short as Brad came up to us. The conversation was low and' now not as freely open as it was. "So Y/N, what were you and Ryan talking about?" "N-nothing." Brad threw his arm around my shoulder as he gripped my arm tightly, slightly aggravating the other bruises. I slowly tried to shake his arm off but his grip tightened until a small yelp escaped my mouth. "Excuse me Ryan but Y/N and I have somewhere to be." Ryan simply nodded as he saw Brad grip my arm and slightly pull me behind him. I was hoping one day Ryan would help me, or at least someone would try and help me. As we rounded a corner which merged into an alley, I started to get anxious. "Brad what are we doing her-." My sentence was cut short with a slap across my face causing my head to jerk to my left. "How dare you even try and go near him!" Brads insults and comments came out louder and louder as he had me blocked against a multi red brick wall. "Hey asshole!" My eyes peered over to the sidewalk were Ryan walked towards the two of us. Ryan was soon swinging at Brad. "Do you feel like a man now Brad?!"

Face down in the dirt,
She said, "This doesn't hurt."
My head was pounding as I was thrown to the ground, my ribs and sides aching. My vision was blurred as my arms held my head tight. Insults were thrown at me as his shoe collided over and over again into my stomach and legs. I felt my upper half being lifted off the dirt as his hand was tangled in my hair. "I TOLD YOU TO STOP SEEING HIM!" Tears pricked my eyes as slobs left the back of my throat as punches were being thrown. Rock-hard fists were colliding with my rosy cheeks. Blood was being spilled as cries echoed throughout the woods. "I w-wasn't do-doing anything with h-him!" I felt my body collide with the dirt, Small rocks and pebbles piercing the back of my arms and legs. He dropped my bloody face into the dirt as he stomped back inside. I slowly shifted to get up, "I'm fine." I limped to the door only to see his car gone.

One day she will tell you that she has had enough
My hands wiped of the caked makeup that didn't even cover anything anymore. Giving up I grabbed my bag and left to meet Ryan at a cafe a little outside of town. I sat down at a small bistro table waiting for the male whom was 2 years older. "Y/N!" I heard the deep, raspy that I recognized so easily from behind me. Ryan's facial expression changed as he sat across from me. "Y/N, WHATS going on? Why is your face all bruised?" I felt a tear run down my face before Ryan could wipe it away. "R-Ryan, I cant do this anymore. I've had enough." Having told Ryan the whole story behind my relationship he told me I'd be staying with him and his roommates for a long time. Agreeing with him we went back to Brad and I's old house so I could pack my things, which really wasn't a lot. "Y/N!" Brads voice boomed throughout the house as Ryan and I stood in my room. I started to throw my makeup into my duffle bag that held the little amount of things I actually owned as the door was busted open. "Get the hell out of my house!" Brad exclaimed. Ryan was ready to punch, "Y/N get in the car." I simply nodded and jogged down the stairs waiting in Ryan's car. Minuets passed till I saw Ryan who now had a busted lip and bloody nose arrive in-front of his car. "Ryan are you okay? You look horrible!" He simply nodded. "If you think this is horrible you should see your Ex." Those words made me smile, as I leaned in and kissed him.
Hey guys sorry this was short but have a new one shot, Also Requests are still open just private message me on here or comment it, (I'll follow up in messages if commented, for further info). Make sure to go check out my other book called "the boy next door" it's a Vinny Mauro fanfic.
Also thank you guys for over 5K reads. It means so much. 💕
Anyway you can find me on my social media
(I deleted my Tumblr fanfic account and my miw Instagram account just because I didn't use then anymore so this is all that's left.)
Insta: _Blissful_Bands.

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