Moving day pt.2

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Y/N's pov
I ran down to the maroon colored door, that had a 'beautiful' glass design engraved in it. Peeking through the class, a huge smile danced across my lips as Vinny and Chris stood on my front porch.

Swinging the door open with too much excitement, I was met with a huge bear hug by Vinny. "I missed you Cutie" I inhaled his sent as I released from the hug that seemed to only last 15 seconds but was actually a few minuets.
Looking over at Chris, I walked over and stood on my tippy toes to hug him. Having him squat a little made it extremely easier. "I missed you guys!" I exclaimed.

I looked around as the house had been completely empty beside most of the furniture.
Turning to Chris and Vinny I clapped my hands together signaling I was ready to go.
Vin grabbed my hand as he noticed I had a few tears coming down my face as I locked the door. "Hey, look at me cutie" I glanced up at Vin  because of the nickname he gave me back in middle school. "Kane and Jonathan wouldn't want you to cry." I nodded as Chris honked from the uhaul truck. Vinny walked ahead of me so he could open the car door for us, I stopped and looked over the now huge old house, that I moved to after moving from New York to Pa back to New York. "Fuck you!" I threw my middle fingers up at my house. "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING YOU ASS!" My hatred towards my farther was something I wanted to leave behind along with this house.

Turning back around I saw a smiling Vin as he held his arm out ushering me to the seat in the middle of him and Chris. I hopped up into the middle seat ready for our 5 hour drive to Scranton.
It was about 4 am when we pulled up to Vins shared house. "Vinn, vinnnnn." I dragged out the N as I shook him awake, "come on Mauro we're at your house." His eyes fluttered open as Chris opened the side of the truck. Vinny got out helping me along the way. "We'll just set your room up tomorrow you can crash with me and Chris just take his room" I glanced at Chris as he nodded walking to Vins other band mates room. I grabbed one of Vinnys sweatshirt and sweats, changed and fell asleep to him playing video games.
"Chris get out of my room!" A deep and husky voice yelled. I grabbed my glasses and glanced at Vinnys clock which read 9:37am. I groaned and threw my head back into the pillow.
I raised from the black sheets, and walked out of Vins room, fixing the sweats I stole from him. "Hey Chris" my voice came out horse as slightly waved, while walking into the kitchen. "Damn I was gone for one night and Vinny brought home a one night stand?!" The same deep voice from earlier boomed through out the living room into the kitchen. I gripped the monster as I slammed the fridge shut, walking into the living room.
A guy probably a few years older than Vin sat next to Chris on the couch. "I don't know who you think I am but I'm no one night stand! I'm Vinnys Roommate." I hissed.  The male looked taken back, "Im Vinnys roommate" he stated. He smirked, his eyes were such a deep brown I could get lost in them if he want such a ass. I turned around walking towards the stair case when I heard Vinnys roommate speak. *Cough cough* "Slut." Vin had been standing in the kitchen for a minute or two eating some cereal. I turned and threw my can on the ground and lunged at the boy. "HOW DARE YOU! YOU PROBABLY CANT EVEN GET LAID!" My hand collided with the side of his face, as my other hand dug into his neck and arm with my sharp nails. Before I could process anything I was being torn off the band mate, by Vinny. "What's wrong? Gonna go cry to your mommy, little girl." His voice stung, but not as bad as the tears that pricked at my eyes. My grip on Vinny loosened. Vins eyes widened, as he held me close to his chest. I couldn't breath it felt as if my lungs were crashing, I was getting light headed as I heard Vinny yell at Chris and his mate to get of the couch. I felt my back hit the couch lightly, Vinny crouched down besides me, "Breathe Y/N, deep breaths in and out, come on!" My breathing was short and chopping and black dots prickled my vision, "Let me be with them Vin" my heart felt as if it was slowing down. "Y/L/N, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN DAMN IT!" I felt my body being pulled led up and placed in the back of a speeding car, 'maybe just maybe I'll finally die.'
Possibly a part three!!!!
Sorry cliff hanger
Hopefully this was good. Sorry I've been inactive recently, will try to update more. I recently met miw on 1/27/17
Anyway you can find me on my social medias Tumblr: @Fanfictioniswhatiwrite (don't use that much)
Insta: Elaina.miw

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