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Okay so this was requested by Fine_horror  . Thank you so much for requesting it.
Guys, Requests are still open, More info at the end!
My body dragged itself to the tour bus, away from the venue. The guys asked me to come with them to the party the crew was going to have backstage, but once again I backed out. Tour has never been this bad. I missed Y/N, she'd always come on tour with us and calm my nerves before a show.
My feet padded against the busted concrete. Typing in the four digit code, I swung open the door, to be met with silence. I grabbed some sweats and a old shirt that Y/N bought me, and changed to go to bed. That's all I've really been doing, texting Y/N, not joining in with any of the crew parties, and sleeping. My bunk seemed to be my own cave, to hide away from everyone, so no one saw how depressed I was this tour. I was hiding behind this curtain and smile.
My eyes drooped as I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I heard talking from the front of the bus, probably figuring out what they were going to do after tonight's show. I knew what I was going to do, nothing but sleep and drink. Y/N was the only thing flowing through my head, I wonder what she had for breakfast this morning or what she was wearing. Was Her Y/H/C hair in a messy bun, was she sad like me, she can't be like me. I love her too much to think she's as depressed as I am right now.
My hands traveled up my black craft cult shirt as if came over my head followed by my skinny jeans. The hot water flowing over my back as my muscles relaxed.
Chris=bold Y/N= italics
Hey Y/N, can we talk?
                                             Hey Chris! Yeah totally!
It's about Ryan.
                                      Chris, tell me what's going on!
He's just not acting right.
Something's wrong. He
Just seems so out of it, All he
Does is drink, and sleep.
                                    But he always seems fine when
                                     we talk.
That's the thing.
I think it's because you
always come on tour
and then you weren't
feeling good for the
first 2 weeks.
I think you should come.
On tour. Like tomorrow.
                                          I'll pack now. Thank you
                                        Chris make sure he doesn't
                                        find out.
Have a friend drop
you off at the venue
tomorrow. He really needs
My bag was thrown into my friends truck as fast as possible as I jumped into the passenger seat. The trip to the venue went fairly fast due to my friend and I screaming lyrics at the top of our lungs. She would be coming to the show because she wanted "to take cute Polaroid pictures of Ryan and I" as she stated.
I heard a light knock on the door, seeing as I knew who it was I opened it immediately. "Hey Chris!" "Hey, Y/N. Ryan is out in the venue showering but he'll be back in like 10 minuets, to grab his phone. So I was thinking maybe like wait behind the bus and when he comes back and leaves, like surprise him then." Y/N simply nodded. "Will do!"
Time skip
I grabbed my phone out of my bunk, to see if Y/N texted me. My screen lit up with a twitter notification instead. I got worried because Y/N always texts me before shows. Placing  my phone in my back pocket, I headed back out the bus door. I felt a weight on my back and hands go over my eyes. "SURPRISE!" I heard the sound of a camera that was followed by a flash. The person jumped off my back as I turned around to see who it was. Y/N stood right in front of me with a huge smile on her face. "Hey baby!" A smile made a its way onto my face as I picked her up and spin her around. Her laughs and camera clicks filled the air. Placing her down on the ground, I placed one hand on her cheek and the other on her waist as her hands wrapped around my neck, tangling her fingers with the hair on the nape of my neck. "You know I missed you a lot right?" "Hmph. No I just came here to surprise you because I knew you didn't miss me. Of course I knew you missed me ya big loser!" A chuckle escaped both of our mouths. "I love you Ryan." "I love you to Y/N." I pulled her into a long kiss as I heard another camera click go off followed by a flash. "Alright Y/F/N, let me see those polaroids!"

Hey guys sorry this was short but have a new one shot. This one was requested by Fine_horror , thank you so much for requesting this, Also Requests are still open just private message me on here or comment it, (I'll follow up in messages if commented, for further info). Make sure to go check out my other book called "the boy next door" it's a Vinny Mauro fanfic.
Also thank you guys for over 3K reads. It means so much. 💕
Anyway you can find me on my social media
(I deleted my Tumblr fanfic account just because I didn't use it anymore so this is all that's left.)
Insta: Elaina.miw (sometimes use)

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