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My hand grabbed the bunk curtain pulling it back while swinging my legs over the edge, letting them dangle for a few seconds before jumping down from the top. I walked to the bathroom claiming it considering everyone else was out, I started the shower as I thought of what I was going to wear tonight, seeing as my band, my boyfriends band and the two other ones joining us on this tour are having a 4th of July party.
Throwing on some baggy sweatpants and and loose shirt I grabbed my vans and walked out the bus door, making sure to lock it as I texted Ryan to see if he wanted to come to the store with me.

Italics= Y/N
Bold= Ryan

Hey Ry, I'm leaving to go to the store a few blocks away from where our buses are parked. Did you wanna come babe? x
Hey babe! Yeah meet me at my bus, I just have to grab some shoes. x

Simple enough my hand knock on his bus door. Ricky's face came into view as he peered out the door window to see who it was. "Hey Y/N!" A smile appeared on my face seeing as Ricky was one of my best friends in the band. "Hey Rick Dick!" A chuckle left his mouth as he moved out of the way to let me on the bus. "So heard you're going to the store, does it have to do with our 4th of July party?" I laughed at the fact Ricky wanted to know so badly. "Actually yes, I was going to see if they had colored smoke bombs, sparkles, and maybe some firecrac-" our conversation was cut short when Ryan walked into the lounge area. "Hey babe, I'm ready when ever you are." A simple nod showed we could leave.
"What about these ones?" I looked over to see Ryan holding a box of what looked to be 100 or more sparklers. "I mean sure why not, just put them in the cart." We had spent at least almost 40ish minutes in the store Bc Ryan had to goof off and drop a display shelf, but now we had everything.
-later that night-
A venue near by where our buses were parked they had said they were setting off fireworks, which meant our little party would be even better.

5...4...3...2......1!! Fireworks starting going off as we all stood and watched, Ryan's arm around my waste as we joked around. Ryan turned towards me and rested both of his hands on my waist, as mine went up around his neck, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. "I love you Y/N" a smile crossed my face as he rested his forehead against mine. " I love you too Ryan" I leaned up a little and closed the gap between us, as fireworks went off left and right but there were fireworks going off I'm stomach as well. Well when ever I was with Ryan I always had that feeling.
Ryan and I separated as we heard a camera go off, Ricky stood there looking proud that he had caught our amazing moment together.
"Wait let me see!" I yelled over the fireworks as I came closer to Rick. It was an amazing photo, Ryan and I kissing and holding each other close as you could see fireworks going off behind us. My arms wrapped around Ricky's waist as I repeated over and over how much I loved the photo and how he'd have to send it to me.
And that was our 4th of July.
Hey guys sorry this was short and a little late I've been busy Bc I'm moving and everything. but have a new one shot. Also Requests are still open just private message me or comment it, (I'll follow up in messages if commented, for further info). Make sure to go check out my other book called "the boy next door" it's a Vinny Mauro fanfic.
Anyway you can find me on my social media
(I deleted my Tumblr fanfic account just because I didn't use it anymore so this is all that's left.)
Insta: Elaina.miw (sometimes use)

Ryan Sitkowski One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now