Not an update but this is important.

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             Today Linkin parks lead singer Chester passed. it is unbelievable to hear this news. he is someone i looked up to and his band was always there for me at my lowest.

            Having heard the news about Linkin Parks lead singer; Chester Bennington seems surreal. Chester was a huge impact on everyone in the rock community. Having heard of something like this happen is gutwrenching. my love and support goes out to his family and the rest of the band.

new updates will be up soon. my birthday is next week and i moving tomorrow. please forgive my long awaited updates. this is a lot to take in. thank you. 


Also Requests are still open just private message me or comment it, (I'll follow up in messages if commented, for further info). Make sure to go check out my other book called "the boy next door" it's a Vinny Mauro fanfic.
Anyway you can find me on my social media
(I deleted my Tumblr fanfic account just because I didn't use it anymore so this is all that's left.)
Insta: Elaina.miw (sometimes use)

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