Pills and Potions (song based imagine)

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⚠️Based off the song pills and potions by Nikki minaj⚠️
Y/N's pov
Pills and potions
I stared at my reflection in the dirty bathroom mirror. "Damn it Y/N just do it already" I murmured. My shaky hand held the pill bottle I had grabbed from the cabinet. 'Anti-depressants' the white label read. My tear stained cheeks where red and blotchy. I screwed open the small bottle, dumping a large amount of pills into the palm of my hand. Lifting my head back up, I grinned sadly at myself and threw the pills down my throat. 4 or 5 pills had missed my mouth and landed on the floor. I grabbed the bottle of liquor on the sink, gulping down the meds.

We're overdosing
I sat against the bathroom wall, waiting for the pills to kick in. It's happening. I did it. I finally overdosed. It's finally all gonna be over. I felt my eyes get heavy as I started to fall asleep.

Ryan's pov
I'm angry but I still love you
I unlocked the door and called out to Y/N. weird she didn't answer. "Y/N!" My voice echoed through out the silent house. Images of what could have happened flashed before my eyes as I bolted to the white bathroom.
I swung the door open to be met with the body of my unconscious girlfriend. I lifted Y/N up and jumped in the tub lifting her up and in with me. "Come on!" I stuck two fingers down her throats instantly feeling her gag. I watched as she launched forward throwing up the pills and the liquor. "RYAN LET ME GO! I WANNA DIE ALREADY!" I held her close to my now sopping wet body. "Shh baby girl don't say that." The only thing I could think of was how much I hated her for trying to die, but also how much I love her and how happy am I she didn't die.

Y/N's pov
Can't stand it but I still love you
I screamed and yelled against Ryan's Chest. I was happy he came, but I couldn't stand living in this horrid world. "Listen baby, we'll get through this. Okay? I'm gonna do everything I can to help you." His soothing voice calmed me and I relaxed into him instantly "Okay Ryan. Just never leave me." "I won't baby, I won't." I dug my head deeper into his chest as he turned the water off. I mustered up enough courage to speak, "I love you Ry." I felt him lightly kiss my wet forehead. "I love you to Y/N."
Hopefully this was good. Sorry I've been inactive recently, will try to update more.
Anyway you can find me on my social medias Tumblr: @Fanfictioniswhatiwrite
Insta: Elaina.miw

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