Get over your feelings

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Y/N pov
Today was another day being a music photographer. - I carefully stepped around the security guards and bags that were down in the photographer pit. Finally! I smiled as one of my all time favorite bands Motionless In White came on stage. Yes, this is almost the 100th time I've photographed them. What can I say when they ask you go:) Chris' low but loud growl filled the speakers, followed by the crowds screams.

After getting photos of the left side of the stage (where Ricky Balz and Chris mostly are.) I ran over to the Right to see Ryan. Ryan was always my favorite, when ever I got to go on tour with them, he was honestly the nicest and cutest;) we were always friends.
I carefully hoped up onto one of the smaller speakers, sitting down and rearranged myself(so I wasn't in anyone's way) I saw Ryan Smile at me and laugh alittle at the way I was sitting. I felt myself snap a photo laughing aswell.

I stood of to Ryan and Ghost's side of the stage as Chris Gave his speech about the town that they were performing in and what not. Ryan leaned down and started talking to me about the photos I've taken.

Ryan's pov
I smiled as her eyes lit up as I asked her about her photos she took while Chris rambled on and on. "Oh I have some great ones of you, I'll show you tonight after the show when we're on the bus" I nodded as I fist bumped her as I stood up, as she gave me a reassuring smile.

She moved around to the beat, or shook her head a little. Her genuine smile made me feel like no one ever has made me feel. When she got the job to be our "temporary photographer" but she kinda just stuck and I love her, as a friend and more.

I ran off stage as I handed my guitar to my teach, I ran to Y/N who probably sat on the bus commenting on her own photos. I put the code in the door and ran up the little steps. "Y/N!" I watched as her head flew up, "WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED RY?" I ignored her question and slid in the seat across from her as the table separated us. "Can I see the photos now?" A smile left her mouth followed by a quiet laugh. "Ok ok Ry yes here." She turned her laptop around and told me to click the right arrow.

Y/N's pov
His lips turned as he smiled at the pictures of him, how his low chuckle made me the happiest girl on earth. "Hey Ry?" He look up at me as he stopped taping the button. "Yeah?" I felt as if my anxiety was building up,"can I just do something really quick because I've been waiting to do it forever." He hastily nodded, and watched as I leaned over the table between us and grabbed his face, kissing him.

Comment if I should do part 2;)
Insta: Elaina.Miw
Hope this was decent·Elaina

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