Thirty Eight- Picking fights

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The Alpha's Huntress
2014© Ina Seele
Thirty Eight- Picking Fights


This is finally getting to a climax point. Things are finally fitting in and explained. Questions are answered about the past and future. More essential characters will be added and others... Subtracted.

Hope you enjoy this chapter anyhow. Thank you for sticking around you have no idea how much I appreciate you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *two years later*
The Royal Palace

Luna Queen Catarina Zhalkov Novak POV

I woke up with a smile and turned around to see Dimitri beside me. He opened his eyes and smiled back, kissing my lips. I kissed him back with same desire since we met. I guess it'd never go away, this burning and consuming lust for him.

When I thought kiss time was over, I was wrong. I exhaled slowly, calming my heart which started to pump eagerly when he hovered above me, kissing me and taking my breath with him.

"Come home early," I whispered.

"I promise," he said and laid on top of me carefully. I moaned when his lips kissed and sucked his mark on my neck, the one place that controlled all my nerve endings. "Didn't you had to take Nathaniel to Mexico for the weekend?"

"Holy shit," and I pushed him off me to get off the bed.

"Such a sight," he smiled. What? I looked down at myself, butt naked and flustered. I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to risk being even more late.

The shower didn't take long before it became a shower of two. When we were done with the shower I got out and changed fast into a gown, before the maids came in and did it themselves. By the time Dimitri and I were done on all the small sections we were three hours late for our duty today.

I sprinted down the stairs and as soon as I saw my boy, I went to him and kissed his forehead. Nathaniel IV, was gorgeous if not genetically perfect. Light brown hair like his mother and sapphire eyes, enhanced by the black rim in his irises. Not only is Nathaniel more developed for his human age, which is two, by having the traits of a wolf, but he also had my blood, which I guess explains why he's rather five than two.

"I'm sorry," I apologized for my lateness. "Morning," and I kissed his cheek again, enchanted by him.

"Morning mom," he said poking his salad with the fork, leaning in to peck me on the lips.

"Ethan you've got to eat," I said, watching him poke around with his food.

"He doesn't want that. Beatrice get Ethan something he will eat." I looked up at Dimitri with warning eyes.

"Forget them," Sara said, her red hair long behind her back. "They don't know the arts of eating healthy."

"Well are you ready Luna?" I turned to that voice and went over to hug Oliver, whom backed away fast at the grumbling of our King.

"You came early," I said to Sara, and kissed my son at the crown of his head.

Sara has moved out my the palace when she mated and was marked by Estefan. I still hate him for breaking my heart that way but he refused to move into the Royal Palace, claiming to want privacy the first few years. I can't think much about Sara being gone and not living with me, but we've got family now to keep us busy. She also did promise, which she has kept, about coming over every single day if there's... Well if there's no battle of the war going on.

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